Assai couldn't hide his displeasure behind a fake cough, it enveloped his whole face. The amount of disrespect Dario gave him and his family was on full display in a place like this. These sort of places weren't really his cup of tea, even in a casual sense, and being forced to indulge in them in a professional one was. Calling what they did up on stage dancing was an insult to his people's culture. It was sideways gymnastics at best.
He let himself be lead to the 'meeting area', wondering how they would even hear each other over the music. His only solace in this situation was that he was sure Dario's dealing with the
Allirana were twice as disrespectful. Small comfort, but comfort just the same.
He went on in and choose his seating, as was customary for the visiting party these days. Too many visits ending in assassinations these for anyone's comfort.