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The Foggy Swamp Tribe

This article is an overview of the Foggy Swamp Tribe

Written by: Miska


housands of years before the Hundred Year War, waterbenders and their families from the Southern Water Tribe left their ancestral home in search of new beginnings. Sailing across the sea for weeks, they came across a large swamp in the southwestern Earth Kingdom. Enamored by their discovery, they settled within the vines and their descendants abide there to this day. Over time they have adapted to the landscape, living amongst the vegetation. In turn they inveted Foggy Swamp style waterbending and Plantbending, allowing them to navigate the narrow waterways and largely vegetated land where they live.
Table of Contents



Discovery by Aangs Team Avatar

Towards the end of the hundred year war, Avatar Aang and his friends crash landed in the swamp following a mysterious tornado strike. Upon exploring the unusual surroundings they were attacked by a monster made of vines, later revealed to be Huu, the Spiritual Leader/Chief of the Foggy Swamp at the time. Huu guided Team Avatar to the roots of the Banyan Grove Tree, where he claimed many had reached enlightenment. Team avatar then reunited with Appa and Momo, their animal companions, and spent a few nights with the swampbenders.
On the day of black sun, many notable swampbenders were recruited to help team avatar infiltrate Caldera Citys Royal Grounds within the Fire Nation.
This battle featured Huu as his signature swampmonster and many other waterbenders from the swamp fighting alongside him. They were all arrested with the rest of the adult members of the invasive force and sent to Fire Nation prisons and later released immediately after the defeat of Fire Lord Ozai.

Post War Rediscovery

After the hundred year war, the swampbenders returned to their home and continued to live in relative seclusion. Toph Beifong was later discovered to be living amongst the swampbenders, attempting to reach enlightenment.

Swamp Elder Maniluuq

After years of the Foggy Swamp Tribe having a low population an Elder was appointed to it by the Water Chief, This new Elder was named Maniluuq. Maniluuq along with his Advisor Liuq attracted new people to the Foggy Swamp with its new architecture and fresh faces in leadership. Maniluuq and Liuq created an internal Swamp government position called Council. They selected their first Council members, Miska and Maali. Together the four of them moved people into the swamp, updated architecture, and formed an amazing community.

Fort Taron Conflict (308 AG)

The Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom, and Fire Nation all once had a three way alliance. However, tension rose between the Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom when talks of a fort started circulating. This soon began to raise many questions. The Earth Kingdom claimed a lot of land in the Swamp to erect a fort, the fort was later named "Fort Taron" after the former Earth King. The Foggy Swamp Tribe council started seeing this as a problem and attempted to speak to the Earth Kingdom about halting production on the fort. After many miscommunication Captain Krimi of the Earth Kingdom started construction on Fort Taron without notifying the Foggy Swamp Tribe. The Swamp Council brought in the other government figures of the Water Tribe. Tensions quickly grew between the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe. This led to Captain Krimi declaring that no Water Tribe citizens were to enter the fort, however members of other nations were able to visit as they pleased. If Water Tribe Citizens were seen at the fort they were attacked and removed forcefully. A fort that was made to protect Foggy Swamp Tribe citizens was now being used against them. After months of the two nations being at each others throats the Earth Kingdom finally declared war. This war however was short lived. Water Tribe military members from around the world showed up to Fort Taron for a battle. This battle however was called off, Earth Queen Kyama and Water Chief Vesrok agreed that it would be in everyone's best interests to take down Fort Taron and achieve peace. After the war was called off tension lingered however no action was taken against anyone from either nation. The world once again reentered a state of peace.

The Tribal Divide (312 AG)

Conflict brewed within the Water Tribe. Opposition grew between citizens of the polar tribes and the Foggy Swamp Tribe. Northern Advisor Irelia and Southern Advisor Kodalaq gave Swamp Elder Miara a proposition. Either the Foggy Swamp Tribe split from the Water Tribe peacefully or Civil War would be declared. Internal struggle began and struggle in power ensued. The two advisors declared there must be a new Water Chief. Southern Elder Aukaneck had just stepped down as did Northern Elder Noey. They refused a Chief who originated from the Swamp, this took Swamp Elder Miara and Maaven Hadia out of the running. Subsequently this left the two advisors. They demanded for Kodalaq to become Chief, eventually Water Chief Vesrok gave into this. The Swamp split from the Water Tribe and Kodalaq became Water Chief. Eventually Kodalaq implemented a Co-Chief system. Kodalaq would become the Southern Chief while Irelia became the Northern Chief. They rule the Water Tribe together. The Foggy Swamp Tribe became its own nation and Miara became the Swamp's Chief. Soon after the conflict ended former Maaven Hadia passed away and Admiral Tido stepped down. Later an Ambassador named Noatok would become Maaven and a military Veteran named Jed would step up and become Admiral. The nations held nothing against each other after the split. This event of the Foggy Swamp Tribe splitting from the Water Tribe would now be known as, "The Tribal Divide."

Post Secession (Present)

In the years since secession, overseen by the leadership of Chief Miara, Elder Akuna, their Council, and their Cabinet, the swamp has evolved entering a new era of peaceful relations. Most prominently, The Foggy Swamp Tribe has abolished their organised military in favour of an organisation that prioritises peacekeeping and defense. Trade agreements with other nations have been brokered, spiritual ties with other nations have been strengthened and both continue to grow. Agricultural advancement has allowed for greater crop yield and prosperity among swampies (as they all themselves) and new towns are being built, keeping the interactions between humans and nature in mind.
For now there is peace and we are enjoying every last bit of it.

Culture & Traditions

Much of the world sees the swamp as culturally stunted, however it is a melting pot of practices and traditions from its parent nations of earth and water. The Swamp at secession chose to be a majorly pacifistic nation, choosing not to engage in war unless absolutely necessary. This however does not mean that they are going to sit back and allow unrest to take place. When needed, they spring into action, and choose the side they believe favours balance. The swamp, much like the water tribe, is very focused on spirituality. They have to be since they live amongst arguably the largest spiritually charged area in the world. Most of the rituals that the spiritual guides of the swamp perform are aimed at connecting better with each other and the world we live in.  


Swampdwellers take after both members of the water tribe and the earth kingdom. Skin tones from more pale all the way to darker and olive tones are common among swampdwellers. With hair colour, colours from lighter brown to jet black can also be observed. You can also watch for the myriad of eye colours, mainly blues, greens, greys and browns.  

Government & Politics


Diplomatic Relations



Resources & Trade



The Foggy Swamp tribe no longer has a formal military since secession from the water tribe. Instead, the mastery branch led by the Grandmaster serves as a peacekeeping group of benders, both earth and water, who are dedicated to protecting swampies and mastering their element.   The ranks are Grandmaster> Master> Defender> Pupil.    

Notable Figures

Elder Miska Daeyang   Grandmaster Elikkos Sappho   Grandmaster Luna   Prince Mackatara Sappho   Oracle Monokage Sappho   Advisor Sola   Councilwomen Hadia   Councilwomen Maali  


Elder Maniluuq Sappho   Chief Miara Sappho-Daeyang   Chief Akuna Daeyang-Sappho   Chief Suluk Sappho   Chief Giotok Daeyang   Chief Jorika Roatok  

Prominent Figures

Elder Kizel Daeyang   Prince Huu Roatok   Prince Leo Roatok   Councilwoman Kyia Daeyang   Oracle Danaq Homin   Councilman Manirak Daeyang

The Foggy Swamp Tribe

  Nation: Foggy Swamp Tribe   Capital City: Huu Hollow   Location: South-Western Edge of the Earth Kingdom Territories  

Form of Government: Tribal Chiefdom   Head of State: Tribal Chief   Current Chief: Jorika Roatok   Previous Government: The Water Tribe  

  Animals: Glowfly, Glowfish, Elbow Leeches  
Location on Map

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