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Warning to Water Chief Vesrok


Water Tribe News

Water Tribe citizens issue a demand that Chief Vesrok step down and the Swamp secede peacefully from the nation, or they will declare Civil War.

Warning on behalf of the NWT and SWT   The following message contains difficult topics pertaining to mental health.   To Vesrok, Miara and Swamp Leaders,

For far too long, the people of the North and South have had to deal with the result of poor leadership of the Foggy Swamp Tribe and their immature behavior. Toxic groups in the swamp have driven fellow members to leave the Water Tribe causing mental breakdowns. They continue to overstep boundaries and blatantly disrespect members of the sister tribes, leading to much unnecessary trouble and pain. The leaders of the swamp continue to allow their citizens to misbehave, belittle others, downplay conflicts, and spread lies at the expense of others, while doing these awful things themselves. The indecisiveness and lack of initiative displayed by the Swamp Elder and Maaven, shown multiple times when conflict arrives, has led citizens of the Northern and Southern Water Tribe to request imminent change. Their hesitation and lack of sensitivity and poor leadership has led to the hazardous environment the Water Tribe now resides in, and we refuse to stand for it any more.
We hereby offer Chief Vesrok and the members of the Swamp a choice: The Foggy Swamp Tribe can secede peacefully and keep the shared Earth Kingdom land while co-existing with the Earth Kingdom, without Water Tribe attachment.The Chiefdom of the Northern and Southern Water Tribes, under Chief Vesrok, continues on as it always has. However within the coming 2 weeks, we demand a new chief/chiefs (in the event of a duel chiefdom). By Thursday the 25th at 9pm EST, Chief Vesrok MUST disclose the next chief/chiefs of the Water Tribe. The North and the South will continue without dependencies and ties to the Foggy Swamp Tribe. If this deal is to be accepted, a detailed separation deal will be offered. We would not accept anyone from the Swamp as candidates for chief, as we do not deem any of them to be fit.
In the case you choose to deny the secession proposal, members from the Southern and Northern Water Tribe will commence a rebellion, the prime goal of freeing the North and South from any and all ties to the Swamp. We are prepared to fight this war, if it comes to it.
  May Tui and La bless you, and guide our sister tribes to a brighter future.   Signed -Northern Advisor Irelia and Southern Advisor Kodalaq

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