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The Fire Nation Brings Change


The Fire Nation host the Lunar Festival in the Capital of the Fire Nation, Caldera City. Fire Lord Eineya offers her resignation, appointing Liv Daeyang as the Fire Lord. However, that is not all... Mahatma Sukon declares High Sage Tamiko as the next Avatar in the cycle. The world marks a new era with the appearance of a new Avatar and have high hopes for her to bring peace and balance to a world that desperately needs her presence.

The world telegraph brings you breaking news from the Fire Nation

Tonight’s Lunar New Year festival has revealed some astonishing news! To begin the night, Fire Lord Eineya opened with a speech declaring her resignation. She then crowned Liv her successor, followed by Fire Lord Liv giving a speech on her goals as Fire Lord. However this would not be the last revelation of the festival. After Fire Lord Liv’s speech, Mahatma Sukon gave an introduction to the event and stated that there is exciting news...

High Sage Tamiko of the Fire Nation has been revealed as the new Avatar! This revelation was met by applause from people of all nations who attended the festival. She then explained how she plans to bring spirituality and balance back to the world by working with the nations. Avatar Tamiko stated in her speech that she sees being chosen as Avatar as ”...an opportunity I will not exploit, I vow to be as useful as I can for all nations and the world entirely" We look forward to seeing what Avatar Tamiko has in store for the world!

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