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World History

Timeline System

Each in-game year is indicated by a Chinese Zodiac year, which states the real-life month that year represents. This allows for easy cross-referencing, while ensuring the calendar stays within Roleplay.
Eg, Year of the Rat = 312 AG = 03/2021
The days on each historical entry represents the real-life day of the month, as indicated by the in-game year.

  • 296 AG


    New Air Elder

    Air Elder Genshu steps down, and is succeeded by Air Elder Cyari

  • 297 AG (12/2019)
    Year of the Rooster

  • 297 AG

    15 Summer

    New Water Chief

    Water Chief Tornak steps down and is succeeded by Water Chief Nakari

  • 297 AG

    28 Winter

    New Earth Monarch

    Earth King Bolin steps down and is succeeded by Earth Queen Jin

  • 298 AG (01/2020)
    Year of the Dog

  • 298 AG

    14 Summer

    A War Brewing

    Water Chief Nakari begins a quest for world domination by declaring war on the Earth Kingdom for the settlement of Yu Qian.

    Fire Lord Kaja has the Fire Nation join forces with the Water Tribe in order to take over the Foggy Swamp.

    Earth Queen Jin willingly gives indefinite control of the Swamp to the Fire Nation.

    The Fire Nation withdraws from the war.

  • 298 AG

    16 Summer

    The Fire Nation Re-Enters the War

    The Fire Nation re-enters the War, allying with the Earth Kingdom to stand up against Water Chief Nakari.
    Earth Queen Jin declares a raid on the Northern Water Tribe settlement of Tatuq. No Water Tribe members come to its defense and it's left in ruin.
    The Fire Nation attacks the Southern Water Tribe capital and leaves it in flames.

  • 298 AG

    17 Summer

    The Foggy Swamp Tribe is Founded

    The Foggy Swamp Tribe is founded by Chief Arnook.

  • 298 AG

    24 Autumn

    New Fire Lord

    Fire Lord Kaja steps down and is succeeded by Fire Lord Sado

  • 298 AG

    31 Winter

    The Dissolution of the United Republic

    The United Republic of Nations is disbanded due to ineffective leadership and little to no active members.

  • 299 AG (02/2020)
    Year of the Pig

  • 299 AG

    22 Winter

    A new Avatar

    The Southern Spirit Portal opens and Ullaq becomes the new Avatar!

  • 299 AG

    23 Winter

    New Swamp Chief

    Swamp Chief Arnook steps down and is succeeded by Chief Tiquanna.

  • 299 AG

    28 Winter

    Air Elder Steps Down

    Air Elder Fujin steps down.

  • 300 AG (03/2020)
    Year of the Rat

  • 300 AG

    1 Spring

    War on the Swamp

    The Fire Nation declares an attack on the Foggy Swamp Tribe.

  • 300 AG

    2 Spring

    Water Tribe Joins the War Efforts

    The Water Tribe joins forces with the Foggy Swamp Tribe to fight against the Fire Nation.

  • 300 AG

    13 Summer

    Water Is Mastered

    Avatar Ullaq masters waterbending.

  • 300 AG

    18 Autumn

    The Leaves in the Vine

    Chief Tiquanna disbands the Foggy Swamp Tribe. He and his members abandon the swamp and travel to the poles to join the Water Tribe.

  • 300 AG

    20 Autumn

    War For the United Republic

    Fire Lord Sado declares war on the Earth Kingdom to stop them from keeping all of former United Republic land to themselves.

  • 300 AG

    21 Autumn

    Spirit Rift

    A “Spirit Rift” is discovered in the Earth Kingdom settlement of Lacus Prime. Angry spirits spread to all corners of the world.

  • 300 AG

    28 Winter

    Lacus Prime

    The Fire Nation attacks Lacus Prime and defeats the defending Earth Kingdom soldiers, claiming Lacus, as well as the nearby Fort Taku for themselves and renaming it "The Hanabi Territory."
      The Spirit Rift in Lacus Prime opens.

  • 301 AG (04/2020)
    Year of the Ox

  • 301 AG

    4 Spring

    The United Republic is Revived

    The United Republic of Nations is redeveloped under the leadership of President Vaiko! With these turn of events, the United Republic joins the war, siding with the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe against the Fire Nation.

  • 301 AG

    4 Spring

    The Battle of Yu Qian

    The Fire Nation attacks the Earth Kingdom settlement of Yu Qian. With the help of the Water Tribe, the Earth Kingdom successfully defends Yu Qian and turns the tide in the war.

  • 301 AG

    5 Spring

    New President

    United Republic President Vaiko steps down and is replaced by his Vice President, now President Seluk!

  • 301 AG

    6 Spring

    New Air Elder

    Air Elder Cycari is replaced by Air Elder Reznik.

  • 301 AG

    8 Spring

    The United Republic Abandons the War

    The United Republic secedes from the Earth Kingdom-Fire Nation war.

  • 301 AG

    9 Spring

    The Battle of New Kasen

    The Earth Kingdom, along with the help of the Water Tribe, attacks the Fire Nation town of New Kasen and defeats the defending Fire Nation military, thus procuring the settlement for themselves and renaming it "Glover Town."

  • 301 AG

    11 Summer

    New Fire Lord

    Fire Lord Sado steps down and is succeeded by Fire Lord Sazai.

  • 301 AG

    11 Summer

    Revolution Against the Queen

    General Yung of the Earth Kingdom declares Civil War against Earth Queen Jin, believing she presents a lack of leadership for their people.

  • 301 AG

    13 Summer

    Earth is Mastered

    Avatar Ullaq Masters Earthbending.

  • 301 AG

    14 Summer

    Air Elder Steps Down

    Air Elder Zach steps down as Southern Elder.

  • 301 AG

    15 Summer

    Civil Unrest in the United Republic

    Rias of the United Republic declares a civil war against his former nation

  • 301 AG

    15 Summer

    The War of Fire and Earth Ends

    Fire Lord Sazai and Earth Queen Jin agree to return Lacus Prime, Fort Taku and New Kasen to one another, as well as receiving their Spoils of War, thus putting the Earth Kingdom - Fire Nation war to a close in order for Queen Jin to focus on the Earth Kingdom Revolution

  • 301 AG

    15 Summer

    New Air Elder

    Nilak becomes the newest Air Elder

  • 301 AG

    16 Summer

    New Fire Lord

    Fire Lord Sazai steps down and is replaced by Fire Lord Kozoku.

  • 301 AG

    18 Autumn

    Civil Unrest Comes to a Close

    United Republic President Seluk steps down and is replaced by President Jaller, thus ending the United Republic civil war.

  • 301 AG

    20 Autumn

    The Earth Kingdom Civil War Begins

    The first battle of the Earth Kingdom civil war begins at Fort Qam. With the assistance of the United Republic, the rebels successfully defeat the opposing Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe soldiers, taking the Earth Kingdom fort for themselves.

  • 301 AG

    25 Winter

    Battle of Yu Qian

    The Earth Kingdom Rebels and the United Forces attack the Earth Kingdom settlement of Yu Qian, but are defeated by the might of the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe militaries.

  • 301 AG

    25 Winter

    Fire is Mastered

    Avatar Ullaq masters Firebending

  • 301 AG

    27 Winter

    The Earth Kingdom Civil War Ends

    After tense negotiations and conflict, Earth Queen Jin steps down as Earth Monarch and is replaced by Rebel Leader Yuan, as Earth King; thus the Earth Kingdom Civil War comes to a close.

  • 301 AG

    28 Winter

    New Air Elder

    Monk Jiazo takes over as leader of the Northern Air Temple.

  • 301 AG

    28 Winter

    Death in the Air Nomads

    Northern Air Elder Jinju is killed at the Western Air Temple due to mysterious circumstances.

  • 302 AG (05/2020)
    Year of the Tiger

  • 302 AG

    3 Spring

    Celebration of International Peace

    A "Celebration of International Peace" is held at Republic City Hall. However, the event takes a turn for the worse as the United Republic President, Jaller, is kidnapped by members of the infamous Red Lotus.

  • 302 AG

    4 Spring

    The Red Lotus Shocks the World

    News reaches the other nations, and it is revealed that Western Elder Reznik, a secret member of the Red Lotus, was the one who killed Elder Jinju in order to destabilize the Air Nomads and take control of the Northern Temple.

  • 302 AG

    5 Spring

    New Air Elder

    Monk Rangzen takes over as Western Elder.

  • 302 AG

    7 Spring

    Air is Mastered

    Avatar Ullaq masters Airbending and completes his element training!

  • 302 AG

    24 Autumn

    New Air Elder

    Fearing for his life, Western Elder Rangzen steps down and is replaced by Guru Kuai as the Elder of the Western Air Temple.

  • 303 AG (06/2020)
    Year of the Rabbit

  • 303 AG

    14 Summer

    Earth King Taron

    Not realising the difficulties of leading a nation after his successful rebellion against Earth Queen Jin, Earth King Yuan steps down and is replaced by King Taron of the Earth Kingdom.

  • 304 AG (07/2020)
    Year of the Dragon

  • 304 AG

    5 Spring

    Earth King Taron Claims the Swamp

    The Earth Kingdom verbally retakes control of the Foggy Swamp from the Water Tribe.

  • 304 AG

    6 Spring

    Water Tribe Unrest

    Led by Maniluuq, the Water Tribe organizes a Civil War against Chief Nakari and his supporters in hopes of making him step down.

  • 304 AG

    8 Summer

    New Air Elder

    Air Elder Jiazo steps down, being replaced by Elder Sangye as Eastern Elder of the Air Nomads.

  • 304 AG

    10 Summer

    Avatar Ullaq; Water Chief Ullaq

    Raava appears in the Northern Spirit Oasis and gives Ullaq a choice; he can agree to become Water Chief, thus ending his role as Avatar, or he can find someone else to take his role, and keep his status as Avatar until the Water Tribe is running under stable leadership once again. Ullaq chooses the former, officially accepting his new role of Water Chief, and ending his time as Avatar. Thus, the world is left without an Avatar.

  • 304 AG

    10 Summer

    New Water Chief

    Water Chief Nakari steps down, appointing Avatar Ullaq as his successor.

  • 304 AG

    13 Summer

    The Water Tribe Unrest Takes a Turn for the Worst

    Local Water Tribe officials have informed us that Inuksuk, the chief director of communications of the ongoing Water Tribe rebellion, was found dead last night in his home. It was concluded that he died of internal bleeding, but there was no sign of any external injuries.

    Six Water Tribe members were killed in an Explosion on the Eastern side of the Northern Water Tribe settlement of Tatuq. 3 of them being high ranking Water Tribe officials. It was believed to be a targeted attack with no known cause at that time.

  • 304 AG

    15 Autumn

    Mysteries in the Water Tribe

    Water Tribe official Amaruq and his family were killed. Amaruq had previously been affiliated with the recent Water Tribe rebellion and was a beloved citizen of Tatuq.
    Noatak, a Northern Water Tribe engineer, was interviewed about the incident. Having been a supporter of the rebellion, Noatak firmly believes the Chief orchestrated these recent attacks.
    Later that day, Noatak was presumed missing, after his home seemed to be broken into.

  • 304 AG

    18 Autumn

    The Chief has been Kidnapped

    The unrest in the Water Tribe leads to the kidnapping of Water Chief Ullaq. The news reporting is attached.

  • 304 AG

    19 Autumn

    Air Elder Jinji

    Western Air Elder Kuai steps down and is replaced by Nun Jinji as the next Western Air Elder of the Air Nomads

  • 304 AG

    20 Autumn

    The Red Lotus Makes an Appearance

    Reznik, the infamous Red Lotus leader, made a public statement to the people of Ba Sing Se

  • 304 AG

    23 Winter

    An Alliance of Fire, Water and Earth

    Water Chief Ullaq organizes a formal alliance between the Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom, and Fire Nation.

  • 304 AG

    29 Winter

    Probending and Avatar Cheng

    After a lengthy hiatus, the Probending League returns to Republic City! The Flying Bison win the first tournament of this much-anticipated comeback.
    After the Probending League event reaches its conclusion, the Red Lotus lands a devastating blow to Republic City, leaving it destroyed, followed by swarms of Dark Spirits plaguing the citizens. Light Spirit Raava makes her return to choose the next Avatar, an Earthbender by the name of Cheng!
    Avatar Cheng fought the infamous Red Lotus leader, Reznik, forcing him to make an exit, but not before leaving a note:
    "Enjoy your small victory for tonight, avatar. These spirits will not rest until you open the Spirit Portal. Until we meet again…"

  • 305 AG

    Year of the Snake

  • 305 AG

    8 Spring

    Earth Kingdom Royal Wedding

    The wedding of Earth King Taron and Earth Queen Kyama takes place at the Ba Sing Se Tea Palace!

  • 305 AG

    23 Autumn

    Water Chief Ullaq Announces Resignation

    Water Chief Ullaq announces his resignation as Water Chief, and says he will appoint his successor at an inauguration on the Winter Solstice

  • 305 AG

    28 Winter

    Water Chieftess Yimuru

    Water Chief Ullaq steps down and appoints Yimuru as his successor.

  • 306 AG (09/2020)
    Year of the Horse

  • 306 AG

    5 Spring

    President Jaller Passes Away

    United Republic President Jaller suffers a fatal heart attack and passes away. In his absence, Renshu takes over as the next President.

  • 306 AG

    12 Summer

    Summit of Peace

    Avatar Cheng holds his Summit Of Peace at his Avatar Temple in the Si Wong Desert.

  • 306 AG

    15 Summer

    Another President Dies

    United Republic President Renshu is assassinated by former Red Lotus Leader Reznik. Chairman Mikey takes over as stand-in President until the next United Republic Presidential Election.

  • 306 AG

    17 Autumn

    Illness Falls on the Water Chief

    Water Chief Yimuru takes a temporary leave due to mysterious health concerns, leaving her son Vesrok as Regent Chief until her return.

  • 306 AG

    18 Autumn

    Rebellion in the United Republic

    Rias of the United Republic declares Civil War against President Mikey for supposed threats toward the United Republic's democracy.

  • 306 AG

    19 Autumn

    Earth Queen Kyama

    Earth King Taron steps down and leaves the throne to his wife, Earth Queen Kyama, who starts on major reformation within the Earth Kingdom.

  • 306 AG

    20 Autumn

    The Red Lotus Task Force

    With the rising danger of the Red Lotus, General Tornak of the Earth Kingdom creates a Task Force comprised of members from all nations in order to defeat the Red Lotus.

  • 306 AG

    22 Autumn

    Autumn Equinox

    The Air Nomads throw a Autumn Equinox celebration on Air Temple Island.

  • 306 AG

    24 Winter

    The United Republic Revolution Goes Global

    The Water Tribe and the Earth Kingdom join forces with the United Republic to defeat the Rebels. The United Republic of Nations Revolution against President Mikey becomes global.

  • 306 AG

    25 Winter

    The United Republic Rebels are Forced to Surrender

    With the overwhelming support towards the United Republic from the global community, the civil war comes to a close due to an official surrender from the rebels.

  • 307 AG (10/2020)
    Year of the Sheep

  • 307 AG

    3 Spring

    Elder Ceremony

    The Air Nomads hold a ceremony for their two new Elders, Northern Elder Samten and Island Elder Maari.

  • 307 AG

    4 Spring

    The Northern Marauders

    After the Destruction of the Northern Water Tribe settlement of Nahuat, angered members of the Tribe form a group known as the "Nahuati Marauders".

  • 307 AG

    4 Spring

    Spring Festival in the Earth Kingdom

    The Earth Kingdom celebrates Spring with a festival in Ba Sing Se.

  • 307 AG

    5 Spring

    Kiryu of the Water Tribe Passes Away

    At the age of 107, Kiryu of the Water Tribe passed away. Kiryu was a close friend and a treasured advisor to many of the past chiefs, he was the physical and spiritual embodiment of the Water Tribe. May Kiryu rest well and may Tui and La guide his soul in the afterlife.

  • 307 AG

    6 Spring

    Terrorist Attacks Causes the Water Chief to Accept Demands

    The Nahuati Marauders attack the Northern Water Tribe Capital of Agna Qel'a.

    In an attempt to reestablish peace among her people, Water Chief Yimuru grants the Nahuati people the settlement of Nahuat to do with as they please.

  • 307 AG

    11 Summer

    Royal Fire Nation Wedding

    Northern Air Elder Samten and Fire Lord Kozoku get married.

  • 307 AG

    23 Autumn

    Fire Nation Controls its Borders

    Due to an increase in rogue activity throughout the world, Fire Lord Kozoku instates a new Fire Nation border policy. Only members of other nations with a passport, as well as members of a nation with a pre-established trade deal between their nation and the Fire Nation may now enter.

  • 308 AG (11/2020)
    Year of the Monkey

  • 308 AG

    4 Spring

    Fire Lord Kaneko

    Fire Lord Kozoku steps down and is succeeded by Fire Lord Kaneko.

  • 308 AG

    5 Spring

    Water Chief Vesrok

    Due to her health and private reasons, Water Chief Yimuru steps down as Water Chief and is succeeded by her son, Water Chief Vesrok.

  • 308 AG

    11 Summer

    Fire Lord Coronation

    Fire Lord Kaneko's coronation is held.

  • 308 AG

    13 Summer

    Military Occupation of the Swamp

    The Earth Kingdom military forces occupy the Foggy Swamp, much to the dismay of the Water Tribe.

  • 308 AG

    15 Autumn

    United Republic of Nations Hosts Summit

    A worldwide summit is held by the United Republic to celebrate changes of power among a few of the nations.

  • 308 AG

    16 Autumn

    President Haruki

    United Republic President Quali steps down and is replaced by President Haruki.

  • 308 AG

    23 Winter

    Blood of the Red Lotus

    Tornak’s Red Lotus Task force orders an execution of all captured Red Lotus members, with the support of Avatar Cheng. Members of the Task Force venture to his Temple in the Si Wong Desert to retrieve him.

  • 308 AG

    30 Winter

    Bison Missing

    Reports of missing Sky Bison circulate among the Air Nomads on Air Temple Island.

  • 309 AG (12/2020)
    Year of the Rooster

  • 309 AG

    3 Spring

    Joint Efforts for the Bison

    A meeting between officials of the Air Nomads and United Republic is held on Air Temple Island regarding the recent Bison disappearances. Both nations have agreed to work together to solve this.

  • 309 AG

    4 Spring

    Avatar Cheng Gone Missing

    Members of the Red Lotus Task Force have informed the world that Avatar Cheng has left his Temple in the desert to begin his Firebending training. A letter leading to the Avatar’s possible whereabouts is being brought to Ba Sing Se to be deciphered.

  • 309 AG

    5 Spring

    Civil Unrest in the Si Wong Desert

    Sandbending Tribes conduct raids in the Southern borders of Ba Sing Se.

  • 309 AG

    6 Spring

    The Death of Avatar Cheng

    Today, the Task Force met and made their stride for the Great Divide where they searched for signs of the Avatar. Here, they found signs of a battle between an earthbender and firebender. From here, they found a trail that lead them to a cave, belonging to that of Bramu, a member of the Red Lotus.

    According to the findings in this cave, this was the supposed instructor that Cheng had gone to meet. Though the location and status of Cheng is still uncertain, it was heavily implied by Bramu and through his letters that he, the Avatar, has met an untimely fate; leaving the world without an Avatar again.

  • 309 AG

    8 Summer

    Bison Thieves Caught

    Raids on the Bison thieves headquarters marked the end of their tyranny, but not without the losses of numerous bison.

  • 309 AG

    11 Summer

    Omashu Summit

    Today the Omashu summit took place, a meeting of leaders from the Earth Kingdom and leaders of the Sand Tribe. This was an event heralded to be a new beginning, a beacon of hope - turned into an event that will indeed go down in history.

  • 309 AG

    14 Summer

    Vesrok Gone Missing

    Late last night while Northern Captain Jorika was on his way home from a long day of work he noticed Water Chief Vesrok’s front door was broken down. He immediately notified the Council of Elders who then called in a private detective in the Northern Water Tribe. After a day of assessing the scene, major pieces of evidence were found. A broken set of pearls that were confirmed to be Chieftess Maali’s were found as well as a note from a mysterious and unknown figure who calls themselves:   “Vadu.”

  • 309 AG

    15 Summer

    Who is Vadu?

    An upstart villain by the name of Vadu made yet another statement addressed to the Water Tribe which stated the chief was being kept ‘alive and well,’ but demanded changes to the way the Tribes were run.

  • 309 AG

    16 Summer

    Ba Sing Se University Opened to All

    Ba Sing Se University has been reopened.

  • 309 AG

    16 Summer

    High Shaman Mauja Speaks to the World

    The High Shaman of the Northern Water Tribe, Mauja, left the people with two messages, one from earlier in the day and another that was sent out late into the night.

  • 309 AG

    17 Autumn

    Vesrok is Safe and Sound

    Chief Vesrok has been released from the clutches of Vadu and recovered by High Shaman Mauja and other tribesmen

  • 309 AG

    22 Autumn

    The Si Wong Massacre

    Today what started as a peaceful protest led to a massacre. Ayato had gathered sand tribesmen to protest the detainment of Sai-Lun and Belan, but when Earth Queen Kyama ultimately executed Sai-Lun and gave the order to her troops, the settlers of the Si Wong Desert were met with disdain and chaos.

  • 309 AG

    29 Winter

    Si Wong Peace

    This day marks a new era of peace between the Si Wong Tribes and the Earth Kingdom.

  • 309 AG

    29 Winter

    Presidential Wedding

    President Dustan Xiang invites all peoples to his wedding. He will be marrying to Irelia of the Northern Water Tribe in the coming new year!

  • 309 AG

    30 Winter

    The World Without an Avatar

    A scorned and now often ill-mannered Savant from the Fire Nation shared his thoughts on recent tragedies and the status of the world, stating the world had lost its sense of connectivity and spirituality, naming the Fire Nation to be the most guilty of this due to its standings with the mishap in the Foggy Swamp a year ago.

  • 310 AG (01/2021)
    Year of the Dog

  • 310 AG

    2 Spring

    The Fire Conference

    This evening a Press Conference was called where Fire Lord Kaneko and other High Ranking Officials addressed the nation and the pressing matters at hand. A conference that had conflicting ideals and statements all around.

  • 310 AG

    3 Spring

    The Republic City Police Force

    The founding of the Republic City Police Force to tackle the ever-growing underworld within the United Republic of Nations.

  • 310 AG

    7 Spring

    A New Eastern Air Elder

    Eastern Elder Sangye has stepped down and named Island Elder Maari his successor. The Air Nomads have decided to leave Air Temple Island without an Elder as they had in the past.

  • 310 AG

    10 Spring

    Crime, Crime, Everywhere!

    Crime has been on the rise around the world! Thanks to a new group of criminals, citizens of the world are at constant risk!

  • 310 AG

    10 Spring

    Earth King Belan

    Earth Queen Kyama has stepped down and has been succeeded by Earth King Belan.

  • 310 AG

    14 Summer

    Fire Regent Eineya

    Fire Lord Kaneko has fallen ill and named High Sage Eineya to be her Regent during this recovery period.

  • 310 AG

    20 Autumn

    RCPF Take Action

    Republic City’s Police Chief, Jayden, came to the world with news of his investigation into these criminals that have sprung up all over the world, asking anyone to provide help or clues if they could.

  • 310 AG

    22 Autumn

    A Threat to Fire Lord Kaneko

    A seemingly unhinged Savant Dari, of the Fire Nation, released a statement to the world denouncing Fire Lord Kaneko and informing everyone that he had taken 4 people captive, Tamiko, Ani, Liv, and Nozumi. He demanded change come about in order for him to rectify his actions.

  • 310 AG

    23 Autumn

    The Hunt for Savant Dari

    After announcing to the world the nefarious actions that the Savant had taken against not only the Fire Lord, but people he considered to be friends, he was met with much hostility. As he tried to make his way around the Fire Nation, there was a soldier searching for him at every turn, even citizens from around the world rushed to track him down, ultimately resulting in the discovery of where he had kept his captives and Dari self-exiling after being captured and escaping.

  • 310 AG

    29 Winter

    Air Temple Lockdown

    Due to the rise in criminal activity and raids on the Air Nomads, they have declared all temples to be on full lockdown, not allowing visitors from any nation at this time.

  • 311 AG (02/2021)
    Year of the Pig

  • 311 AG

    1 Spring

    Fire Lord Eineya

    Regent Lord Eineya, with the support of High Ranking Officials and many citizens has formally called for Kaneko to be relieved of her position. Without resistance, Fire Lord Kaneko has stepped down, Eineya becoming her successor and the official Fire Lord.

  • 311 AG

    3 Spring

    Denouncing Vendetta

    The leaders of the five nations of the world have come together to publicly denounce and make a stand against an up and coming group of rogues under the name “Vendetta”

  • 311 AG

    7 Spring

    Spiritual Awakening in the Earth Kingdom

    Earth King Belan hosts a banquet in celebration of the founding of the Earth Kingdom Clergy, a group of spiritual sages to push the nation towards spiritual enlightenment.

  • 311 AG

    12 Summer

    The Fire Nation Brings Change

    The Fire Nation host the Lunar Festival in the Capital of the Fire Nation, Caldera City. Fire Lord Eineya offers her resignation, appointing Liv Daeyang as the Fire Lord. However, that is not all... Mahatma Sukon declares High Sage Tamiko as the next Avatar in the cycle. The world marks a new era with the appearance of a new Avatar and have high hopes for her to bring peace and balance to a world that desperately needs her presence.

  • 311 AG

    17 Autumn

    Fire Lord Coronation

    Fire Lord Liv invites peoples from all nations to attend her coronation in the Fire Nation Event Hall.
    At the Coronation of Fire Lord Liv, Earth Monarch Belan is assassinated by an unknown perpetrator. Arguments and accusations break out from all sides, with Prince Ayato, Belan's successor, blaming the Fire Nation for his sibling's death.

  • 311 AG

    20 Autumn

    Earth King Belan's Burial

    A funeral for Earth Monarch Belan is held. Fire Nation citizens in attendance, including Fire Lord Liv, feel their presence unwelcomed.

  • 311 AG

    23 Winter

    The Earth Kingdom Declares War

    The Earth Kingdom declares war on the Fire Nation "for the murder of Earth Monarch Belan." Though they claim innocence, the Fire Nation rises to meet the challenge; both sides exchange threats publicly, tensions are high.

  • 311 AG

    23 Winter

    Air Nomad Tattoo Ceremony

    The Air Nomads hold a tattoo ceremony for the very first Watchers (the counterpart to the Masters, with a focus on wisdom and knowledge.)

  • 311 AG

    24 Winter

    Nahuati Independence

    After much discussion between the Nahuati people and the Water Tribe, Nahuat is granted independence from their parent nation, with Junha being crowned Chieftain of the new nation.

  • 311 AG

    27 Winter

    Avatar Tamiko Masters Firebending

    Avatar Tamiko masters firebending and begins to train her airbending with Masters Amal and Hes of the Air Nomads.

  • 312 AG (03/2021)
    Year of the Rat

  • 312 AG

    5 Spring

    Earth King Ayato Hosts Royal Ball

    Earth King Ayato hosts a Royal Ball in the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se. He declares: "Citizens of the Earth Kingdom as well as people of all nations are welcome to attend. There will be a grand banquet and the opportunity to have an audience with the King and other Earth Kingdom nobility. Despite this being a time of war, we must not forget to enjoy life and strengthen our relationships with one another."

  • 312 AG

    6 Spring

    Republic City Opens its Doors

    After being destroyed by the Red Lotus during the time of Avatar Cheng, Republic City has opened its doors to the public after 7 years of intensive construction work on the city.

  • 312 AG

    8 Spring

    Ba Sing Se University Open Day

    Ba Sing Se University hosts a ceremony open to all the nations. They will be offering a tour of the campus and a Q&A session for anyone considering enlisting in the most intellectual University in the world.

  • 312 AG

    11 Summer

    Earth Kingdom Military Parade

    The Earth Kingdom holds a military parade across Ba Sing Se to display to the world their strength and desire for justice for the death of Earth Monarch Belan. During the event, Fire Nation military storm the city and a tense confrontation between General Kano and Earth King Ayato takes place at the gates of the palace. Will Avatar Tamiko be able to stop this war from causing more destruction?

  • 312 AG

    13 Summer

    Republic City Grand Opening

    Celebration Event

    The United Republic holds a formal grand opening of Republic City, where GedCo builders are thanked and awarded for their tireless work on the city. The event takes a turn for the worse when the Triads (Republic City's large criminal group) descend on the event, slaughtering many attendees. The Republic City Police Force is heavily outmatched, which prompts the proposal of a new "Gedco Private Force": a branch of the weapons and industry manufacturer of Gedco instead offering protection from the Triad in Republic City.

  • 312 AG

    14 Summer

    Nahuat Declares War

    Military Involvement

    After weeks of raids and attacks from the Nahuati people on innocent citizens of their southern neighbours, Nahuat finally declares war on the United Republic of Nations. With two wars now ongoing and the Avatar still yet to finish their airbending training, what will she do?

  • 312 AG

    16 Summer

    Avatar Tamiko Speaks Up

    Avatar News

    Avatar Tamiko condemns both sides of the ongoing Earth Kingdom - Fire Nation conflict, calling both sides out for disregarding the best interest of their citizens to pursue a war with no end in site. In her speech, she criticises the Nahuati people and United Republic government for also making no effort to move to a peaceful solution. She concludes that she will be moving all her focus to her airbending training, as she will be more equipped to help with the mastery of two elements rather than one.

  • 312 AG

    17 Summer

    Southern Air Elder Nel

    Spiritual Journey

    Southern Elder Nel announces that he will be taking leave from being Elder to meditate and heal his spiritual self. In his place, his Abbot, Lui, will take the role of Regent Elder.

  • 312 AG

    19 Autumn

    Nahuati Raids

    The Nahuati - United Republic War

    Constant raids from Nahuat forces on the United Republic results in both nations declaring their victory points.

  • 312 AG

    19 Autumn

    Attack on Fort Qam

    The Fire Nation - Earth Kingdom War

    The Fire Nation attacks the Earth Kingdom's Fort Qam, resulting in an easy victory for the attackers. Fort Qam is renamed, "Fort Koishi" under Fire Nation control.

  • 312 AG

    23 Winter

    Warning to Water Chief Vesrok

    Water Tribe News

    Water Tribe citizens issue a demand that Chief Vesrok step down and the Swamp secede peacefully from the nation, or they will declare Civil War.

  • 316 AG

    25 Winter

    New Water Chief

    Southern Chief Kodalaq steps down from his position. The Water Tribe is now under a singular Chief once again.

  • 316 AG

    26 Winter

    Western Elder Jinji

    Western Elder Jinji goes on a spiritual retreat leaving Ezra as Regent Elder over the Western Air Temple.

  • 316 AG

    29 Winter

    Interim President Azura

    President Lauren’s health begins to deteriorate leading her to step down from her position as President. Council Chair Azura steps in and fills the seat of Interim President of the United Republic. She chooses former Chief of Police Bre to accompany her as her Vice President for the remainder of the term.

  • 317 AG

    1 Spring

    Foggy Swamp Spiritual Vigil

    During Swamp Chief Akuna's spiritual vigil, evidence is found that Earth Kingdom citizens have been destroying surrounding vegetation, thus angering the spirits. In response to the accusation, Earth King Run declares war on the Foggy Swamp Tribe.

  • 317 AG

    2 Spring

    New Air Elder

    Eastern Elder Yua steps down to become Guru and is succeeded by Eastern Elder Avia.

  • 317 AG

    6 Spring

    New Fire Lord

    Fire Lord Kyoku goes missing, leaving a journal in his wake. In it, he writes that he is stepping down from his position, and that he has already appointed General Kaeru (nicknamed "Phrog") as the newest Fire Lord.

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