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The Hunt for Savant Dari


After announcing to the world the nefarious actions that the Savant had taken against not only the Fire Lord, but people he considered to be friends, he was met with much hostility. As he tried to make his way around the Fire Nation, there was a soldier searching for him at every turn, even citizens from around the world rushed to track him down, ultimately resulting in the discovery of where he had kept his captives and Dari self-exiling after being captured and escaping.

The World Telegraph brings you an update on Savant Dari and the four individuals that had been taken hostage:

After announcing to the world the nefarious actions that the Savant had taken against not only the Fire Lord, but people he considered to be friends, he was met with much hostility. As he tried to make his way around the Fire Nation, there was a soldier searching for him at every turn, even citizens from around the world rushed to track him down. Lieutenant Keza of the Fire Nation was the first to encounter him following the announcement. According to her, the two spoke for a moment, partially because she wanted to find out where her friends and mother had been taken, but also because she wanted to hear what he had to say as she found herself in agreeance with a few of his points. As expected, her desire to save those that had been taken overwhelmed her and she made an attempt to capture Dari and find out, but he was able to evade and escape her at the final moments before incarceration.

From here, his fleeing found him racing across the oceans to the shores of Liushu, an Earth Kingdom Civilation. Having fled across the ocean didn't slow down his pursuers as they were right on his tail, leading him to flee into the forest near the Gaipan Village, otherwise known as 'Jet's Forest'. The search carried on for a few days, the group going from that forest, to the Great Divide, up through the mountains bordering Republic City, and concluded just east of Hotary Village. Dari had encountered all sorts of benders from each of the nations with one goal in mind, capturing him, but it would be 3 Militants of the Fire Nation that finally managed to catch him. His captors were Corporal Atlas, Sergeant Duo, and Lieutenant Keza.
Dari was then taken to Outpost Rouge, northwest of the Fire Nation town of Purenzu, which was rather ironic as just a few kilometers south the cells that held those that Dari had taken were being discovered at around the same time. An Air Nomad by the name of Kaito managed to uncover the cave leading to them as he made his way, bounding, through the mountains. It wasn't long before others were made aware of the location and flocked to free their friends and loved ones. As it stands, Tamiko, Liv, Ani, and Nozumi have all been safely released and returned home.

As for Dari, to his surprise his words had resonated with the people of the Fire Nation more than he was lead to believe. Dari was given a brief opportunity to escape after his captors rushed upstairs to check on some commotion that was heard and he took this opportunity without a second thought. It wouldn't be until he was jetting away from the scene that he would realize it was a Corporal by the name of Kyrin that had caused the commotion in an attempt to free Dari. Without haste, Dari rushed to the mountain where he had left his captives, but as he neared the peak he noticed someone standing guard at the entrance. He knew he had acted alone and not told anyone of the location so this could only mean one thing, the cells had been found and the four citizens freed.

Without thinking of anything else, Dari made his way to Caldera as swiftly as he could, riding atop his Dragon Moose that he had left in Purenzu which was nearby. He quickly grabbed all belongings that he felt he would need on his journey, choosing few things to leave behind. He rushed out of the house and into the shadows of the night. Some say that he was seen departing the shores of the Fire Nation once again, but there is no way to be sure where he is now or if he will ever return.

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