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The World Without an Avatar


A scorned and now often ill-mannered Savant from the Fire Nation shared his thoughts on recent tragedies and the status of the world, stating the world had lost its sense of connectivity and spirituality, naming the Fire Nation to be the most guilty of this due to its standings with the mishap in the Foggy Swamp a year ago.

The World Telegraph brings the scornful and ill-mannered words that have been heard from Savant Dari:

"The world has fallen into disarray once again. The Nations can't keep themselves from being at each other's throats, sacred spaces have been defiled and disrespected, and above all, we've had to suffer the loss of the Avatar.

For so long, I have sat and observed these matters, hoping they would fix themselves in time. I am now aware that holding such a mindset is considered insanity. Time and time again, I have tried to do what I can to aid at least the Fire Nation down our journey into prosperity and regaining our spirituality and connection with the world, but these were nothing more than futile efforts.

I cannot speak on behalf of the other nations of the world, but after spending more than half of my life here, one thing is for sure. The Fire Nation has yet to repent and correct itself for straying so far from our roots and our nature. Even after making amends with the world, we still continue to turn a blind eye to so many of the faults we still carry today. This is not the fault of the people, it's that of our leaders, myself included, but something has to change.

In just a few months, not only have our allies briefly turned against one another, but we have also forsaken each of them in their times of need. We lost Avatar Cheng at the hands of the Red Lotus, a harsh reality I will never be able to come to terms with. We've lost ourselves and sight of what we stand for. Something needs to change. We need to change."

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