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New Fire Lord


Fire Lord Kyoku goes missing, leaving a journal in his wake. In it, he writes that he is stepping down from his position, and that he has already appointed General Kaeru (nicknamed "Phrog") as the newest Fire Lord.

Lord Kyoku called a meeting today. He seemed tired and anxious, but excited at the same time. He told us about a spirit calling him and then followed by announcing his resignation. He appointed me as Fire Lord.
I saw Fire Lord Kyoku walking into the woods later on, but when I rushed to catch up to him he was gone; his journal was left dropped on the floor. It read:
Last night I had a dream. A small spirit came to me wanting me to follow it. I don’t know what it wanted, but I wasn’t afraid. It radiated a feeling of familiarity, like family. Earlier today I’m sure I saw the small spirit in the corner of my eye. Although it has only been almost a year, being Fire Lord has been hard work; I inherited power I never truly wanted. This nation needs something more than me. Maybe I was never fit for the throne.
I’ve decided to follow the spirit. I have notified my HROs already, but I have decided my successor will be General Phrog. Although the flames of many of my council burn bright, Phrog has proven himself to be a strong leader on and off the battlefield. I only hope he may uphold the era of peace we currently live in.
Signing off one last time
- Fire Lord Kyoku
Dear World,
With the disappearance of Lord Kyoku it is with great honor that I assume this position as Fire Lord. In my time in the Fire Nation I have seen many Fire Lords come and go and now my time has come to join this cycle. I look forward to seeing my nation prosper and grow and I look forward to working with all the other nations to improve relations.
-Fire Lord Phrog

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