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The Fire Conference


This evening a Press Conference was called where Fire Lord Kaneko and other High Ranking Officials addressed the nation and the pressing matters at hand. A conference that had conflicting ideals and statements all around.

The World Telegraph brings you word from a recent Press Conference held in the Fire Nation:

This evening a Press Conference was called where Fire Lord Kaneko and other High Ranking Officials addressed the nation and the pressing matters at hand. The gathering took place in the theater of Nokoribi Island, which was fitting as it was quite the spectacle.

After answering questions, collected from the citizens and read by Fire Sage Leafy, about the status of their nation and plans for moving forward, the floor was opened to any questions that still lingered in the audience's minds. Without hesitation, a citizen had an abundance to say about the whispers and rumors that had begun to sweep the Fire Nation, following the recent article from Fire Ferret News. The name of this citizen was Kelos, a recent practitioner of the spiritual teachings of Savant Dari. He spoke of the recent erection of a fort in the Swamp and the way the Fire Nation sat out as her allies picked each other apart. More in line with the words of the Savant he noted the importance of our allies and our connections to them and their cultures and the general state of the world without the Avatar.

As expected, High Sage Eineya jumped to the respond to the statements calling our alliances into question, stating the importance of not tarnishing one alliance at the expense of another. Fire Lord Kaneko backed this statement, as she knew that stepping in would have likely only brought about more conflicts down the road. This was met with resistance as Kelos called the morals of the Fire Nation and her army, stressing how the Earth Kingdom was clearly in the wrong and how they would have been merely aiding in restoration of balance with the absence of the Avatar. This debate continued for a while, with Kelos continuing to declare his faith in the words that Dari had shared with the nation and eventually taking his leave.

Not long after, much to the surprise of all in attendance, the Savant himself made an appearance as the conference was nearing a close. Fueled by his emotions, something that was rather out of character for him, he wasted no time as he picked up from the points that Kelos had left them with. It was clear to all, especially the Fire Lord, that Dari was restless and kindly asked him to calm down as she explained that each decision she has made was for the nation's sake. This was not enough to quell Dari's state of mind as he found himself calling into question her ability to lead, leaving the audience to ponder if she was guiding the nation with her head or with her heart after bringing up her marital bond to the Earth Kingdom General, Hong.
Fire Lord Kaneko, once again, assured the group that the interests of her people were at the forefront of her mind for every choice she has made thus far, stating that she was certain to lead with her head. Although still unsatisfied, Dari took note of the discomfort his intrusion had caused and began to go on his way after apologizing to the Fire Lord and the others there, but not before he was urged to leave them with one final statement after being labeled a coward by Colonel Jing.

"Coward? You have all just admitted that instead of war with the Earth Kingdom to save our other allies, we decided to sit out because our Military isn't ready to handle such threats, because we have no sense of connection to the rest of the world. I refuse to sit by while the spirits, our allies, our FRIENDS are left for the slaughter. Caring about our well-being is one thing, but self preservation is a completely different, twisted story and it appears to be the one we are living. I hope, for all of our sake, that you do in fact know what you are doing and that the spirits and our predecessors also feel you are doing what is best for us, but I guess only time will tell"

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