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New Water Chief


Southern Chief Kodalaq steps down from his position. The Water Tribe is now under a singular Chief once again.

Dear world,
I turn to you with a safe heart. Ever since Vesrok picked me as his successor I've had doubts about the correctness of his choice, however I know that my choice of sharing this duty with Irelia was the only right one. For years now we have led the Water Tribes together and with my whole heart I believe that for the better.
  Today, as the tribes stand strong again, I feel like the need for 2 chiefs has faded. The tribes will once again stand under one chief, Water Chief Irelia.
Thank you everyone for sharing your time with me on this server. It has truly been an amazing experience, and while I'll still be around, my involvement on the global scene is now over.
-Resigning, Southern Chief Kodalaq

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