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The Chief has been Kidnapped


The unrest in the Water Tribe leads to the kidnapping of Water Chief Ullaq. The news reporting is attached.

Water Chief Ullaq has been kidnapped! A group of insurgents entered the palace around midnight. One of the royal guards, who has chosen to remain anonymous, said the following in an interview:

“My partner and I were conducting a regular perimeter patrol when all of a sudden, I saw him drop - then I felt lightheaded and everything went black. We woke up maybe a few minutes later, and ran immediately to the Chief’s sleeping quarters. He was gone, but there was no sign of any sort of struggle.”
We also interviewed a witness who lives near the palace:

“I saw a small group running southeast of the palace, and anybody who went near them just seemed to drop. I guess they didn’t see me, luckily. They were all wearing black clothing, but nobody was carrying anybody. Maybe Chief Ullaq was with them?”

Another anonymous source reported seeing a mysterious object flying incredibly quickly through the sky, heading south. The witness noted that it was too dark to see what it was. Local authorities are investigating as we speak.

The whereabouts of a Red Lotus recruiting office were leaked to Caldera News, and Laoto found the exact location. He found a letter in the trash which reads:

"Noatak -
We must act hastily. Get everyone ready at the swamp location. Make everyone believe it was the rebels - I'll join you at Agna Qel'a when it's time to abduct him, and we'll take him back to the swamp. See you soon - good luck brother. - Reznik”

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