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High Shaman Mauja Speaks to the World


The High Shaman of the Northern Water Tribe, Mauja, left the people with two messages, one from earlier in the day and another that was sent out late into the night.

The World Telegraph presents a message from Northern High Shaman, Mauja   Dear Vadu,  

Let me start off by saying, spirits and humans are meant to live harmoniously and in balance. Spirits are not to be trifled with and manipulated for personal gain. Your use of spirit bending goes against humanity itself. Blood bending was made illegal for its heinous acts. Manipulating someone without their consent? If that is illegal why in your right mind would you manipulate a spirit without their consent? Let alone use them for your own evil doing. Capturing the Chief of the Water Tribe and the Chieftess? That destroys the balance the world has so hardly worked to achieve. I will not let this disgusting abuse of power continue to pollute my tribe. Spirit bending is a sacred art that is used to calm the disruptions caused by human imbalances to the spirits. It is not to be used to cause the imbalance. Capturing the Chief and the Chieftess was a grave mistake. These actions are not going to be taken lightly. As one of the highest ranking spiritual officials in the Water Tribe, I will not let such repulsing actions affect my tribe any longer.   I will be hosting a spiritual meeting to speak to my tribesmen, Vadu if you are man enough to face me personally, show up at the Spirit Oasis during the meeting. I won’t know who you are, it’s your option if you wish to expose yourself. You display your power in the shadows, face me yourself so I can take you off of your pedestal. Know you are just another weak pest infesting the world and I will be the one to exterminate you. Water Tribe citizens you are all invited to hear me and the past High Shaman Miska speak on the matter. With myself and Miska in attendance I assure you Vadu, you will be nothing but a mild inconvenience. If you dare to show yourself we will be sure to bring you to justice as we have done to those who have hurt our tribe before. I urge you all to attend. Let us all witness a terrorist face the dire consequences of his crimes, we will get our Chief back; that is a promise I make to you all.
-Northern High Shaman Mauja     Later on within the night, Mauja addresses the world through the World Telegraph  
People of the world, tonight I had a meeting in the Spirit Oasis with former High Shaman Miska and Water Tribe Citizens about the ongoing events happening in the Water Tribe. As many of you know our beloved Chief Vesrok was taken by a terrorist named Vadu. While speaking at the meeting Vadu showed up just like I hoped he would. We had a dragged out fight where I unlocked the ability I was training for, spiritual water bending. In my attempt to subdue Vadu he fled, but not before telling me a code which would lead to the Water Chief. He stated the Chief was no longer of any use to him and that his work here was done. Authorities are working on finding Vadu but it seems as he disappeared into thin air. Vadu is a worthy adversary and he is not to be messed with. Though he was able to elude me I will find him, whether that is tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year, I will find him. I will continue to train my new found ability and I promise to keep the Water Tribe safe from any Spiritual foe.
-Northern High Shaman Mauja

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