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A Threat to Fire Lord Kaneko


A seemingly unhinged Savant Dari, of the Fire Nation, released a statement to the world denouncing Fire Lord Kaneko and informing everyone that he had taken 4 people captive, Tamiko, Ani, Liv, and Nozumi. He demanded change come about in order for him to rectify his actions.

The World Telegraph brings you word from, a seemingly unhinged, Savant Dari:  

"Citizens of the world, I come to you all today sharing news that weighs heavy on my heart. I came to the Fire Nation after a period of travelling the world and seeing the disarray we lived in from day to day. Upon my arrival in the Fire Nation I had one goal in mind, to do my part to restore order and balance to the world. The world is comprised of five nations, but it is clear that the nations have yet to understand the importance of one another. While this is an issue that I do not solely fault the leaders of our nations, as the problems we face are much deeper, I have discerned that the change we need starts with them.

Since her coronation, Fire Lord Kaneko has preached of a new era that the world is stepping into, with even Earth King Belan also stating that he shares this view of what to expect for the world moving forward. At first, she showed promise of being able to uphold and aid in the transition into a new period of living, but too many times have I and other been let down by what appears to be nothing more than an empty pledge. It is no secret that I have had my disagreements with the Fire Lord and how she chooses to reign, but I fear now we have reached the point of no return.

Our most recent points of discord have been about topics ranging from decisions made in the name of 'the greater good for our nation' and the bond we all inherently share as a part of the same world. Most notably, the Fire Lord and I have gone back and forth on the situation involving the Foggy Swamp from a few years back, debating whether we should have aided our allies in the Water Tribe rather than sitting back allowing two of our allies, two of the great nations of our world, to be at each other's throats.

She claims time and time again that this was for our best interest, but I've spoken with the people, they agree that we don't need a leader willing to sacrifice an ally for our own personal gain.

Even now, I question her morale once again as well as that of the leaders of the world. There is so much talk of peace, prosperity, and the willingness to support one another, but that is all that it is, talk. I find myself being rushed into meetings or briefings of malicious plots and plans that leave us in a immoral position, but nonetheless am expected to be in support of and help carry them out. I will not go into detail as throwing the world into chaos is not my goal, but it has hardened my heart to see how easily we all neglect those around us, rather than being there to help them in any way possible, providing solutions for troubling situations.

This is why I would like to formally denounce Fire Lord Kaneko and make a claim that she is unfit to rule and preside over the Fire Nation as we continue to move forward. That may seem to be a bold claim to make, but although Kaneko has sworn time and time again that her citizens come first, she has yet to realize that not one, but four citizens of the Fire Nation have gone missing and cannot be found. General Nozumi, High Sage Tamiko, Citizen Representive/Head Farmer Liv Daeyang, and an Engineer named Ani have all been apprehended, carefully, and their whereabouts completely unknown.

I wish no harm to come upon these four, but we must have change and this is the only way I can see it a possibility that we get exactly that. I am curious to see if the other nations are run by someone that is seemingly as careless and inconsiderate as the Fire Lord, whether they will flock to the Fire Nations aid to recover these beloved citizens or will they leave them to their peril.

I take no pride in the actions I have taken part in, but it must be made clear to all of the world how important our relationships with one another are, how if we allow one of us to fall, inevitably we all follow suit. I encourage you all to be considerate of your actions in these upcoming days, as that is all you will have. Fire Lord Kaneko must either resign from her position as a Nation Leader and you must find the captives by the weeks end or they will be lost for all time, do with this what you will"

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