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The Red Lotus Makes an Appearance


Reznik, the infamous Red Lotus leader, made a public statement to the people of Ba Sing Se

A member of the Earth Kingdom Army claiming to have inside knowledge of Red Lotus affairs has notified the public that the terrorist group intends to bring down the walls of Ba Sing Se! Will his words carry weight? We have reporters on scene now eagerly awaiting!

Reznik, the infamous Red Lotus leader, made a public statement to the people of Ba Sing Se:

"People of the world: you have been tricked into believing that security is worth sacrificing your freedom. These walls were here to separate us. Rich, poor, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation. Walls are only put in place to keep those with power, in power.

We are bridge-builders. Do not let these authoritarians trick you into sacrificing your life and well-being for their greed and lust for power. Many people thought we were coming here for a fight - no, no. We came here to liberate Ba Sing Se.

And mind you - this is not the end. Revel in your newfound freedom, brothers and sisters. Take back what is rightfully yours."
- Reznik

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