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Avatar Tamiko Masters Firebending


Avatar Tamiko masters firebending and begins to train her airbending with Masters Amal and Hes of the Air Nomads.

The World Telegraph brings you news on the Avatar and her progress

In a world that has seemed to be crumbling under the pressure of a period without the Avatar, a beacon of hope has been restored to the world. Burning bright and prepared to do whatever it takes to shine her light on any threats of darkness, Avatar Tamiko has bonded with the spirit of Raava and has taken up the mantle of the Avatar. Having been Avatar since the beginning of Summer, Tamiko has been diligently working with her daughter, Lieutenant Keza, and many others in the Fire Nation military in order to gain a strong grip on her firebending capabilities.
With it nearing the end of Winter, ergo the end of the year, Tamiko has shown prowess and adroitness with her progress as a firebender. What makes someone a master of an art is often a debated topic, given the subjectivity surrounding the judging of art in any capacity. Mastery is not a function of genius or even talent. It derives from time, focus, and passion being devoted into a field of proficiency. Although she intends to keep working and learning as she progresses, Tamiko has shown that she has a great understanding on the element of fire and how to manipulate it to her needs.
Avatar Tamiko has mastered Firebending!

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