Relics of Ochrid

Symbols of Power

Before the gift of the written word, there were nine symbols developed by the first humanoids of Oryth known simply as The Secundus, or The Second. The first beings with intelligence and self-awareness are the Deities and the deities personified their essence upon the Secundus to worship them and give them power. The gods came together and bestowed a fragment of their essence upon the Secundus, breathing life into the humanoids who resembled the modern-day Aasimar, albeit slightly shorter in stature and bearing no wings, though with a visible halo dancing above their heads. Every word uttered by these beings were Words of Power and so too did these nine symbols become imbued with the ferocity of their language.


The first of the words of power Ciduips Int which translates in Primordial as Love or Gift. The Secundus would use this word to show affection and to charm those they wished to mate or form strong emotional bonds with. The Medallion of Ciduips Int currently resides in the Giver's Bracelet which has the astonishing ability to send an item or thought to anyone that the person wearing it has seen before. Those of weak willpower have a chance of becoming enraptured or bemused with the giver. Those the wearer already has a positive relationship with are not affected by this Charm Effect.


As long as the races of men have been gifted with sapient thoughts, they have acknowledged the sun as a source of great power and the word Bux Resteil, or Sun and Strength, reflects that. The warm embrace of the sun gives the power for every form of life on Oryth to exist and the strength to persevere against all odds. The Medallion of Bux Resteil currently resides in Luminous Might and enchants its lantern with magical luminescence and grants the holds a mighty strength from within. This strength is not only in the literal physical sense but of mental fortitude as well.


The word Vu Ab translates as Need or Hardship in the common tongue, a term that every being on Oryth knows all too well. Tribulation is not an uncommon concept and even the richest of nobles find something that their life is lacking and in need of. The Medallion of Vu Ab is currently empowering Life's Necessity, a knapsack that grants those possessing it what they truly need to overcome a given hardship merely by reaching inside of its contents. This magical backpack also has an interdimensional space, acting like a Bag of Holding.


The Secundus had a philosophy of keeping Oryth in balance. Law, Chaos, Good, and Evil, were all concepts that must always counter each other or the destruction of Oryth would be imminent. The word Olleps Rub translates to mean Balance or Land and granted the Secundus domain over each. The Medallion of Olleps Rub has been built into a set of mystical golden scales known as Oryth's Weight. While attuned to the relic, the bearer is affected by the spells Protection from Good/Evil and Freedom of Movement. In addition, it allows the person to figuratively bear Oryth's Weight on their shoulders, doubling their carrying capacity.


The passage of time is evident in all things. From the young growing old to the leaves changing colors and falling in the Season of Harvest. Every year that goes by is another reminder of man's mortality and fleeting existence.

The term Es Claec was used by the Secundus as a way to mark the passage of times and some of the first attempts at charting the stars in the heavens above. Many people throughout the ages have sought ways of escaping the plight of age and the inevitability of death, but such rituals have incredible consequences on the mind, body, and soul. From a wizard's pursuit of lichdom to a monk's endeavor of perfection, nothing lives forever.

We are reminded that everything is finite when a person's Memento Mori is performed, celebrating their life on Oryth.

The Medallion of Es Claec resides inside the Nifty Stopwatch empowering it with time-altering properties. One-click of the stopwatch can grant the bearer astonishing speed, creating a blur of motion when they attack or move.

By turning the clock back, even the most grievous of wounds and even the aging of flesh can be reversed as if they never occurred, and while this can give an air of immortality, should the bearer be caught unaware of an attack and unable to activate the effect in time, they will still be reminded of their inevitable mortality.

The Nifty Stopwatch is currently being held by the High King of Hroff, Zook Taren. Though it has the ability to grant him an unnaturally long life, Zook has vowed never to take advantage of its power and will be leaving it to his eldest son, Zeuk in the event of his demise. Zeuk, too, has been instructed on its power and has agreed not to abuse its gifts, though only time will tell if he lives up to these expectations.


The bitter cold and sweltering heat and finding a midway point between the two has always been an important issue for the humanoids of Oryth. The Secundus developed the word Eu Fluspei to gain purview over this concept. The Medallion of Eu Fluspei is currently broken into two pieces and resides on the left and right boots of the Frigid Journey. This magical accouterment has the ability to freeze liquid underneath it, allowing the wearer to freeze water or even cool down molten lava to allow them to walk upon the surface as if it was solid ground. It allows protects the wearer from the harsh environments experienced on Oryth.


Not a single person on the face of Oryth has not experienced loss in their life and had it change them for better or worse. The Secundus learned that though the loss is inevitable, things can be changed to assist from losing again. The word Dul Crus was first uttered to assist with that. Ironically enough, the Medallion of Dul Crus was lost for generations and was found by an aspiring alchemist who found the coin engulfed in hardened amber. The alchemist, whose name was lost to time, dubbed the item the Philosopher's Stone. This relic has not been seen in over a hundred years.


The Scholars of Oryth of Oryth have debating the meaning of the lost phrase Ad Nis Teirsist in Primordial, but they have narrowed it down to either meaning Rebirth or Death or Life After Death. The magical properties of the item that holds the Medallion of Ad Nis Teirsist seem to keep them guessing as well, having both meanings able to be applied. The amulet is known as Second Chances for its ability to shrug off any blow that would have otherwise been fatal and allows its bearer to see into the Ethereal, allowing communion with the dead.


One of the most important words developed by the Secundus was the words representing unity among their people, Crom Bobtem meaning Man or Family. The Seducing Gaze holds the Medallion of Crom Bobtem, and a single gaze from these ornate golden spectacles can send a sense of unity, love, and even seduction to the person whose eye makes contact. Unlike many other charming effects and abilities, this can pierce through resistances and even immunities to such conditioning. This ability is so subtle that those affected by it have no way of knowing they were influenced in a magical fashion, but that of sincere and meaningful presence.


Significance of Ochrid

Ochrid is believed to be the place where the Secundus originated from and is also where the fabric of reality between the Planes of Existence is the most fragile. By combining the Words of Power, the Secundus were able to repair some of the tears in the Material Plane by constructing a gate in the world between worlds called the Astral Plane. After the rift was repaired, the gate fell to disrepair and crumbled. Throughout the years after the Divine Wars, the new humanoids that were created from the image of the gods and Secundus found their way into Astral Plane and one-by-one the Medallions with the first Words of Power were lost to the ages. The power of the medallions have been infused and forged into various different relics with the majority of them residing on their home continent of Ochrid. Though there are some still that exist on the other side of the world and recovering the pieces will be an arduous task for even the most skilled of adventurers.

Art By: Ackygama

Articles under Relics of Ochrid


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Feb 12, 2021 19:37 by Kahuna The Elder

I REALLY like the use of the Soundcloud clips for pronunciation. I had been thinking of how to do something like that for awhile, but I think you hit the right way to do it.. Awesome job!

Feb 12, 2021 21:38 by Zeuk the Dungeon Master

Thank you so much! I generated the words from VulgarLang and then used to get the clip. Really useful especially in my language articles. Thanks for checking it out!

Feb 15, 2021 18:05 by Kahuna The Elder

Now I'm checking out the reader! Thanks for the tip!

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