

Smallest to tallest:

Halorbitan [Ha-lor-bie-tahn] - (element of the crystal)
Halorbit(s) [Ha-lor-bie-t] - (small crystaline structures)
Halorbus(/i) [Ha-lor-bus](medium crystaline structures)
Haloradan(s) [Ha-lora-dan] (mountain formation of crystaline structures)
Halorbis[Ha-lor-bis] (planet divider)


Material Characteristics

Halorbitan is the element's name for the crystallized AO energy. When coming into contact with air, the crystalline liquid hardens within seconds to minutes. It is everlasting and does not get affected by the elements, or time.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Depending on what structure you touch, it mostly feels colds to most individuals. Those who have an affinity for AO energy, can feel the warmth below the crystalline surface.


Halorbitan gets used only by extremely skilled crystal weavers, as it does not bend to any technology. If you tried to drill through it, the behavior of the crystalline structure would change, take over the drill within seconds - and if you are lucky, stop there. There have been cases in which the material grew so large, appearing to "attack" the aggressors.

Geology & Geography

The material is found nearly everywhere on Saigon, as crystaline shards, spikes, cliffs and mountains pierced throuch the mantle of the planet at every point. There are some arean which are more affected, f.e the crystal scar, yet you can find them everywhere.

Life & Expiration

No expiration. This crystalline structure will be there, for as long as the AO lives inside the planet. And also, everything the Halorbitan covered and caught, remains alive - yet it sleeps in a state of hibernation.
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
"freezes" by contact with air
Depends on current state; it can range from airborne to crystalized to fluid. More then the temperature, the absence of air is the changing factor.
Common State


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