The creation of the Halorbis-Wall - a planet divider

A division among a single folk might be traumatic - but the division of an entire planet holds a future unseen by any.

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[◘]- The Ao is a living creature in the core of a planet
[◘]- 2 gigantic champions appeared through a portal
[◘]- They fought each other relentlessly
[◘]- They drained the AO of its planetary energy
[◘]- In order to safe itself, the AO exploded its own energy and crystallized the champions
[◘]- The exploded energy also divided the planet
[♦]- The Halorbis now marks the end of each side
[♠]- After the division, the crystal plaque tormented people off all areas

Conflict & Creation:

The cration of the Halorbis-Wall was an event, as fascinating as terrifying, that shaped the life of millions of inhabitants of Avus Kitaru, in a way not even the most religious priests nor shamans would have been able to foresee. Avus Kitaru - the grandfather planet - was once a living planet, as were all the others of its siblings out there. The AO in its core was living, thriving and growing, as it should have been. But one day, in the skies above Mirona, a gigantic portal opened, and the two titan-sized creatures falling from the sky would end the era of planetary peace forever. This is called "the last day of AO-Pre-Deton" (previous to the detonation).
  In the following 30 days, the two champions fought each other relentlessly and without any mercy. It is not known as to why they landed on A.K nor why they had been intertwined in this fight over life and death. This time is called "the time of devouring" because both champions connected their energy networks to the planet - draining the AO of its life energy. The land around them fell ill, the water became harmful the AO woke from its hibernation sleep
  In the fight for its life, the core of the planet started to hold against the devouring energy force of both champions, joining the fight and turning it into an even more violent massacre. With their sheer size of over 1200m the champions left death and devastation wherever they landed. The ground below them got trampled, and craters appeared wherever one of them fell to the ground. The magical energy both creatures evaporated began to intoxicate the air, and folks of the now known planet size Mirona, died in countless numbers due to it.
  After 31 days, the AO of Avus Kitaru, went for a desperate and gruesome decision. Connecting to the hearts of the champions, as well as every living existence in a 300km radius around them - the AO violently grasped for their energy, ripped it towards itself, before detonating. On the first day of AO deton, the life energy of the planet, burst through the crusts of its surface, covering both champions. In contact with the air, the celestial liquid crystallized instantly. The danger of both intruders had been banned - but the price for it, was unthinkable. In the equator area of the planet, a gigantic wall arose, dividing the planet into two halves, while countless crystal formations arose all over its surface - changing the landscape of any known place, changed for ever.  

The Fallout & The Crystal Plaque

After the division happened, the crystal-mountains as well as the Halorbis proceeded to make the lives of all the inhabitants close to them miserable. With their intense energy, they emitted harmful amounts of AO energy in an almost radioactive way. This caused the land areas, close to any big formation, to become inhabitable. The creatures and plants fell in and died, and the area close to the Halorbis-Wall, approximately 50-100km, still to this day is causing sudden deaths and severe long-time effects.
  The crystallized particles in the air became another problem. Traveling with the wind, they reached zones far away from their place of creation, causing people to fall ill to the "crystal plaque". An illness that starts to manifest in the lungs of a person, causing them to crystallize from within. The most common symptoms became respiratory problems, problems of the digestion system, and problems with the heart - while a more visible symptom was the crystallization of the skin and the eyes. In most cases, patients did not survive long enough to grow real crystals, but their skin became like the light version of a scaled snake skin, and the eyes became a blue-purplish hue to them.
  The plaque was not curable, so many folks fled from the impact, crowding in the centers of the landmass, as far away as possible from the Halorbis-Wall.    

The Zones

Halorbis Zones by Alka-Di-Kijarr
The zones describe different areas, stretching further away from the main corpus of the Halorbis-Wall. Each zone has different effects on its inhabitants. Living close to them or crossing the areas must be decided wisely. Different species have different affinities to fall prey to the Halorbis radiation.

Zone 0 - Ground Zero:

In this zone no life forms. Previous life that existed got burned to their mere existence in bones and stone alone. All soft tissue material has vanished and the ground is spiked with dozens of small, medium and big shards. The air is hard to breathe and walking feels like a weird mix of walking through a muddy swamp, while the gravity seems to be less present. Getting stuck here might cause terrible exhaustion.

Zone 1 - Severe Damage Zone :

"Crystallized Screams" - that is what the folks living closer to the Zone 1 type, call the wind in this area. The sounds, that echo through the "forests" of crystal shards, appear to sound very similar to screaming. Even worse, if a creature happens to scream in that area. It is not entirely known, if the evaporating AO energy is causing severe hallucinations, or if it's solely because of the Halorbits, that spike out of the ground. Drinking water from this area is even today - a "not so healthy" idea.  

Zone 2 - Moderate Damage Zone:

In zones of type 2, you can find habitable areas. The Halorbits there are not as tall, and their radiation is not as severe. Over the course of time, folks re-inhabited those areas again, some even claim that the close connection to such powerful energy sources, brings prosperity and innovations to the cultures nearby. Depending on which folk you ask, there are good and bad things you will learn about the impact these shards have on the creatures and plants around.  

Zone 3 - Light Damage Zone:

This was the first zone to be colonized again. The impact of the Halorbits is small, a neglect-able one, might even claim, and only very sensitive people can feel the AO energies movement inside of it.    
This article is not finished and will get new subcategories and hyperlinks, occationally.
◘ - deep lore, known to nobody
♦ - core lore, GMs know about it
♠ - open lore, players know about it

Information classification:

unknown to any living folk on Saigon
unknown to vast majority of Mirona folks
information might be found in the halls of Melandria

Involved Timeline:
Planetary Life: Avus Kitaru

Involved Characters:
Viocentia by Alka-Di-Kijarr

Articles under The creation of the Halorbis-Wall - a planet divider


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