5 Realms of Sensing
A grounding meditation practise of the Novarum Order.
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Five things you can see: beauty, progress, change, love, enthusiasm
Four things you can touch: hearts, minds, memories, nature
Three things you can hear: praise, wisdom, forgiveness
Two things you can smell: opportunity, adventure
One thing you can taste: freedom These are realms of the living - experience them!
The five realms of sensing are a grounding belief within the Novarum Order. They believe that to gain enlightenment you need to exist within all five realms with your senses:- The Visual Realm
- The Tactile Realm
- The Auditory Realm
- The Fragrant Realm
- The Palate Realm
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Novarum Order
Novarum Order
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I see what you did here. I love it. <3
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Thank youu! <3
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As a note, while your CSS looks lovely on mobile, this is my first time looking at it on PC and wow. What I said before? It's even more gorgeous than that.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Aaaaa thank you so much!
I just finished some new art in my latest article: Pinecrest College of Aviation!