Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!

Adventurer's Rations

Adventurers in Ayun Sovos go on all sorts of trips and travel far and wide to get from place to place. If they're making these trips on their feet, that gets real tiring after a while. Eventually, even the bravest and boldest of adventurers will bee looking out for a snack — so it's best to be prepared!
  Adventurer's rations are a staple in the pack of every adventurer: a bundle of snacks to keep hunger at bay!

Simple Fare

Every adventurer's pack will feature some form of adventurer's rations; these are not to be mixed up with cooking ingredients or properly prepared meals, or anything particularly fancy. These are small, simple, almost snackish foods that are packed tight and easy to have a bite of while on the road. No need to set up any camps or grab the cooking fire, simply unwrap your waxed fare cloth and have a bite of whatever's inside! Though, I suppose few would complain about having a cozy campfire to snack next to.

Differing Tastes

Rations vary greatly depending on who happens to be carrying them. Creaturefolk come in all shapes and sizes, after all, and thus their appetites mirror that diversity! The more carnivorous of the folk would often be seen carrying dried and cured meats or fish fit for long periods of travel, with some supplementary grains and greens as needed. Those less inclined to eat meat would carry dried fruits and berries, cheeses, breads, and more.

Always have a snack ready when you're on the path to adventure!

Keeping Fresh!

These bundles of food are often found wrapped in waxed cloths known as fare cloth.   They keep your foods nice and fresh, so you can adventure without worrying about your snacks!

Exploring the World!

As you meet new people out on your adventures, peeking into their adventuring packs will show you that there's simply no end to how different these rations can get!

  Snacks are all but essential for long travels and days spent on the road, so don't neglect these in your pack! Bring some extra, just in case! If you prepped them right, they should last you this adventure and the next, should you find you've packed too much.


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