Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!

Fare Wax

What sort of adventure could you possibly have if you spend most of it worrying about your snacks spoiling in your pack? Or, worrying about curious little bugs trying to nibble at your delicious cheeses while you sleep the night away at camp? You'd simply have a miserable time, I'll tell you! That would be no adventure at all!
  Fare wax is a refined beeswax often used in the storage and preparation of foods. Its most common use is in the aptly named "fare cloth" used to wrap and transport travel foods such as adventurer's rations.

For the Love of Snacktime

Long have adventurers had to face the added challenge of preserving their roadside snacks, in addition to mentally preparing for their acts of heroism and grand journeys — that sure put a drag on things! Before the creation of the waxed cloths now used to preserve rations today, there was always the worry of opening one's pack to see some mushy cheeses and mouse-nibbled fruits, and nobody wanted to get news like that at snacktime.

Early Solutions

Simple beeswax was a lovely initial solution, serving its purpose well in the wrapping of foods, but adventurers came to find that a more specialized solution was needed. It took quite some work and experimentation, but the solution was found at last! With a bit of alchemical know-how and some culinary cleverness, a process was devised to refine ordinary beeswax and combine it with some additional reagents to make it the perfect substance for storing foods for travel!   The wax formed a perfect seal and wicked moisture from the contents within, keeping dried foods unmushed, and no food smell could escape containment, meaning curious little creatures didn't have any draw to your pack or its delicious contents.

Market Staple

Ever since this material made its way onto the market, it's become a staple at every culinary shop, and fare cloths have become a prime offering at every adventurer's guild and travel store.   Always make sure you have snacks for your travels!

Perfect for Adventuring

This solution isn't perfect — It can't exactly preserve a delicious, hot, homecooked meal for any period of time worth mentioning.   It can ensure that your dried foods and travel snacks stayed in peak shape and undisturbed by critters for extended periods of time — perfect for adventuring!


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Aug 11, 2024 12:46

I really liked the idea of ​​using wax to store travel provisions. It reminded me a little of German sandwich paper, which was used for wrapping. I like the quote at the beginning, which speaks directly to the reader, and the headings, which function like advertising slogans.

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