Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!

Ancestral Fare

Ancestral Fare is the way many refer to the unknown recipe encoded in the document found ages ago in the greatest dungeon to be explored in history: The First Written Recipe.   As no one truly knows what the recipe describes, this vague title is the common name used to describe the unknown meal in conversation and discussion. With the finding of the first written recipe, and its status as the oldest known sample of written documentation, the world's culture of food and sharing it has shifted dramatically from what once was.   Cultures all around Ayun Sovos have their own theories as to what the contents of this yet-untranslatable document detail, each hoping to triumphantly claim that their eldest cultural dishes were the true subject of this document, and that the great tale to which the recipe was attached simply must have been an ancient account of their own history or folklore. None can know for sure, but people tend to get quite stubborn over the idea.   Rather than feuding over this mythical historical food that may or may not be their cultural ancestor, the people of Ayun Sovos have developed a culture around sharing their culinary traditions with their guests and visitors, ensuring that they know the flavors of the places they travel. Stories are spun from potential histories where their cultural dishes were served on great platters in distant lands, presented to ancient kings and queens, the light of every meal, from illustrious banquets to cozy fireside camps. Ancestral Fare and all of its variants around the world resembles a religion in all but worship, as many settlements around the world are steeped in the influence of the many myths and tales surrounding Ancestral Fare.   Prior to these myths taking hold, food wasn't the most common vector for expressing history and cultural pride, but now it's become all but a requirement in most places of the world to know how to prepare traditional dishes and, more importantly, share them with others.


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