Worldbuilding Summer Camp 2024 A myth about food | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Worldbuilding Summer Camp 2024

Somewhere in your setting, describe
A myth about food
A total of 79 entries

Bitterbinth Root Syrup

Verte Riseil and the Emerald Goddess

Elves Consume Their Enemies

The Golden Apple of Mount. Pegasus Haven

The Tale and the Truth About Dwarven Bacon

Myth of Moradin's Blessing Ale

The Terrifying Truth Behind Zizzle Pops

Das Friedensmahl von Dresden

The Myth of the Golden Grain

The Eldest Tree and the Never-Age Fig

Leitandár and the Beer of Underworld

The First Mother / xe who dispenses the dead

Wie der Wurimbacher Vereinigungskuchen entstand

Legend of the Baked Pink Banana

Fishrolles with goat cream cheese

The Tale of the Boastful Warrior

The Origins of Dragonfire Whiskey

Immortality Through Food