Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!

Dessert Pumpkin

I'd take a bite out of it raw, if I could. Would probably break my bill on it, though, if I tried it. Not that I speak from experience, or nothin..
— Anseni youth, with a bandaged bill
  The dessert pumpkin is a hybrid variant, of a sort, of the pumpkins locally grown in the region of Brightfield.

Well Rounded & Sweet

This sweet pumpkin grows in a more oblong form than typical pumpkins, appearing rather smushed down compared to its much taller, rounder cousins, and its flesh is known to be more dense. Pests tend to avoid these pumpkins, in spite of their sweeter taste, due to the toughness of their outer skin and flesh, but will swarm the pumpkins if left out in the sun too long, where they begin to soften and almost bake in the heat.

The Perfect Dessert Ingredient

These qualities, their sweetness and the way they cook down so well in the heat, make these pumpkins the prime candidates for desserts such as Anseni pumpkin pie and other sweet treats and dishes. Originally cultivated in the greenhouses of Farmer Emrys's great-great grandducky, this variant of the local pumpkins is a marriage between the common pumpkin and sweet potatoes.

Mushy Madness

In recent times, these sweet staples of the local Anseni population have begun to suffer a blight which slowly threatens to destroy the pumpkin variant as a whole. The family tending to these pumpkins searches feverishly for a cure for their crops, but progress has not yet surpassed the rate at which the blight is spreading, which has caused panic to begin spreading among the locals affected by the sudden shortage of quality dessert pumpkins.  

Save the Pumpkins!

Sure, they could use any other pumpkins for their pies, but what will they do when they lose the single best option they have? What will Nana Liliwen do when there are no more sweet pumpkins for her most famous pumpkin pie? It simply won't be the same!   For now, I think we ought to enjoy a slice of the good stuff. While we have it, y'know?

Miraculous Union

No one is quite sure what methods farmers used to achieve this hybrid creation.   Whether it was through selective breeding between crops or a mystical fusion unlike any the farmers had seen before, the result is one that the locals know and love.


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