Broth-erly marketing team

Hey everyone! Just wanted to share something fun- I’ve been loving Spicy Statato Soup lately! It’s got that perfekt kick and it’s so comforting. If you haven’t tried it, you’re def missing out!
Broth-erly was founded 157 years ago by a pair of brothers who believed that soup was an important meal because that was what their mother had told them when they were small and had refused to eat it.  


At first the company only consisted of the two brothers. But their broth was delicious and the company grew. They hired three people to form a marketing team around 139 years ago and around 122 years ago the team had grown to include 11 people.   Around 100 years ago a couple of people of the marketing team read a study that they thought confirmed their beliefs about breakfast. They set about and wrote a marketing proposal that they handed in to the top brass of broth-erly. The board quickly approved of the marketing campaign and the team set about working on their plans.   They produced several different booklets both for physical and digital consumption as well as commercials with celebrities, specific social media platform pushes and other things that benefited the campaign. Many people believed the message that the marketing team put forward.   If you don’t eat breakfast your brain will rot.   It wasn’t until a couple of years later that the company got sued for false marketing. Of course the company threw the marketing team under the bus.   Even though people know that the company had done false marketing what people remembered from this episode in history is that… If you don’t eat breakfast your brain will rot.   The company still exists and so does the marketing team but it’s a lot more demure and now tries very hard to play by the rules of society.


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