
If you want something, you have to fight for it.
— Ezzy
As a kid Esveala, or Ezzy, wanted to become a singer, a voice actor or an actor together with one of their siblings. As they grew up they became all and neither. At 16 they blew up online and became a beauty social media influencer. It wasn’t what they thought they would grow up to become, but they don’t regret it and am now trying their best to become a great one.  


Ezzy has a long list of friends but we will mention their 3 best friends and one soulmate. They shared all of themselves with the soulmate, Rain, who died in a congenital degenerative disease around a year ago. Their best friends they also talk about everything with. But they do not bare their soul as they had done with their soulmate. They don't think that they will ever have anything like that relationship again.   Rain, the two of them met in school when they were 10 years old and started dating around when they both turned 14. They have been together ever since.   Mist is another childhood friend of Ezzy. They have known each other longer than Rain as they met when they were both 4 years old at kindergarden. Mist also works in the entertainment business but mostly behind the scene. They do appear in a couple of Ezzy's videos.   Shael is another streamer that is a more recent friend. They have done a lot of collaborations on all three of Ezzy's channels.   Summer is another friend that Ezzy met at work. She's one of their managers.  
Place of birth
The Station
Current location
The Station
41 years


Ezzy has a large family. 9 parental figures and 29 siblings. Their parents are in a kitchen-table polyamorous relationship with a primary triad.   Ezzy is a white dragon and was born from a Dragon egg. Ezzy, like their 2 clutch-mates were born to all 9 parents while not all of their other siblings were.   With this many family members its a lot to keep up with all of them not to mention that Ezzy's profession might reveal everyone they interact with in the public eye. This keeps Ezzy's interaction with their family on a lot smaller scale than what they want it to be. They do however interact a lot with their family members over private networks.   They do spend time with two of their parents and these parents have been in a couple of Ezzy's videos as well as a couple of their siblings. One of those is one of their very introverted siblings named Aeyd. They are an artist and shares that interest with Ezzy. But because of Aeyd being such an introvert they both being very busy with their own things they do not spend much time together.
Sexual orientation
Romantic orientation


Ezzy is a white dragon. It's a rare color among their family members but it's not as rare over the rest of The Station.   Ezzy keeps to the average height for dragons and spends a normal amount of time as a dragon. They have even made some videos in their dragon form which viewers who aren't dragons enjoys to watch. Ezzy's horns is of an uncommon branch variety and thus keeps them hidden during videos. They do keep them out and decorates them while among friends.   They wear a wide variety of clothes and have many clothing brands trying to get sponsorships with them. They enjoy wearing a lot of different kinds of clothes and their style changes often. They have a lot of clothes give aways with clothes that they no longer use.   Like most dragons they keep their hair long as it's a hassle to cut it as often as Dragons have to do. They also enjoy doing a lot of different hairdos for their videos. They also have a lot of hair accessory companies that wants to sponsor them.  
Well above average
Dragon magic


Ezzy is a go-getter that gets slightly frustrated with people who just sit on their hands. If something needs to get done then Ezzy will rise up and do it if the ones who should, won't do it. They do know that sometimes things can be hard for people, but they think that if they can do it, then they will do it for them.   It might appear like Ezzy is an extreme extrovert, but they are actually an ambivert. They do get recharged by spending time with themself, that hasn't happened much during the last year though.   Ezzy is outspoken about their values and they speak up against injustice but do so with sensitivity and insight, while trying to avoid being brash or pushy.
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Favorite food
Too many to list
Favorite color
Pink & Purple


Ezzy enjoys several different variations of art like painting, tattoos, music, digital art, make up and movies. They also very much enjoy spending time with their friends and running.  

In media

Ezzy is the main character in their own story that does not have a name yet, it's a mystery romance about a disappearance. They are also a side character in a couple of my other stories.


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