Darling slang

Yeah, sometimes not even I understand what my own fans are saying. I guess I am getting old even though I don't feel like I am...
— Ezzy
Ezzy Darling is a famous influencer from The Station that has been posting videos online for around 27 years. Their community has developed a subculture of their own with its own unique slang which showcases their belief in their guru.   The parent language of the slang is off course the common language of The Station which is named Sound of Air in the language and it’s called Rekian in other languages.  
Here is a couple of examples.  
Looking fabulous and confident after following one of Ezzy’s tutorials, but also just in general. “I’m totally feeling Ezzified.”  
Darling glow
A radiant look achieved by using one of Ezzy’s tutorials. This is usually shortened to “D-glow” “I’m loving my Darling glow.”  
Spicy Statato
Borrowed from Ezzy’s love for Spicy Statato Soup. This term is used to describe anything that is trending. This is usually shortened to “Spicy-stat”. “That new palette is so Spicy Statato.”  
A diehard fan of something. This is one of Ezzy's oldest fans and she is currently working in the social media marketing team. "I'm really lonci for that new series that Ezzy mentioned."  

Geographic distribution

While most of Ezzy’s fans are located in The Station there are fans all over the universe. With this large of a spread there are also a lot of local variations and mixes with other languages. Sometimes fans confuse each other and more idioms and words are born from these interactions.  


Many of the words and idioms used in this slang have been taken by people outside of the fandom to demean the fandom and these words and idioms have thus become slurs that people within the fandom don’t want others in the fandom to use which has created shifts within the large fandom.


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