Disabled Nessians

I was born on The Station, but it doesn't really feel like home.
— A disabled Nessian.
Nessa is the only known settlement on the planet of Areu and its inhabitants are referred to as Nessians. A person’s citizenship on Nessa is always temporary as it’s a very hostile environment. That doesn’t inhibit Nessians from becoming attached and viewing the settlement as their home. Dangerous or stressful environments and situations usually builds strong bonds. Both between people and places.   A large portion of the Nessians are Extractors. They work in a lethal environment both to protect the settlement and to extract produce, like ores, diamonds, and meat from the planet of Areu to their supposed home The Station.   When a Nessian becomes sick or hurt they are retired and sent back to The Station, usually against their will as Nessa has become where they belong. Some of the people who become extractors are usually people who feel like they don’t belong on The Station anyway.  


Those who obtain a disability, like the loss of a limb or PTSD, while living on Nessa are returned home as retirees. They get a small pension that they are expected to live on.   How large this pension is depends on how old they were when they got retired. A Nessian without a disability is expected to retire at the age of 55 and are then is returned to The Station with a pension that is pretty average compared to what a regular salary is on The Station. If a person is retired at the age of 22 when they have just arrived at Nessa they are returned to The Station with a measly pension. It's possible to live on it but it's very much below average.   Those who want to can ask to get a new education and accommodations for another job, which the young people with a disability are expected to do.  

Differences between Nessa & The Station

The Nessians speak in a very different dialect of the Sound of Air than the people living on The Station do. Sure, there are differences between the dialects of the sections of The Station and the areas within those sections, however the people of The Station often have problems understanding what the Nessians are saying.  
While the people of The Station usually eat 3 hearty meals a day the Nessians eat 5 smaller meals a day.   When the extractors are out in the field they eat 4 nutrient bars a day. When they are back at Nessa they eat a light soup and a fruit in the morning. The second meal is usually a cup of stew and boiled batato The third is bread and a smoothie, the fourth is a cup of creamy pea soup with meat and the last is a vegetable salad. Of course different people have different preferences but this is the general menu and what people eating in the mess hall will be served.   The second meal should be spent with friends and take a little longer while the other 4 meals are expected to be done and over with quickly. On The Station all meals are meant to be enjoyed either alone or together with friends and family.


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