
Yeah, I'm not really sure what to do with myself now when I'm not an Extractor anymore.
The extractors used to be viewed as heroes and everyone wanted become one as a child. Nowadays it’s mostly viewed as dirty work and most kids want to become Trailblazers instead.   The Extractors live on the destroyed planet of Areu which The Station is orbiting. They extract material from the planet and send it to The Station where the rest of the population live.  


When the Dragons found the abandoned Station they settled into it and decided to visit the destroyed planet below. The planet was overrun by monsters and they realized that to get what they needed from the planet they had to protect themselves from the monsters while doing so. Then a group of the dragons, usually docile and peace loving, built weapons and trained themselves how to fight.   The Government of The Station, got tasked with taking care of this as they are the ones who needed the resources. They employ and run The Extractor Organization. While the extractors are employed by the organization they are allowed to take commissions and work for other organizations as well.  


Potential candidates must have gone through their maturity ceremony, have good physical conditioning, combat training, and technical education to handle the machinery used for extraction.   The selection process is harsh and few manage to get through it.  


Extractors come from various backgrounds, but many are descendants of the original Dragons who first settled in The Station. Despite the decline in prestige, the role of an Extractor still attracts those with a sense of adventure and duty. There is a noticeable trend of multi-generational families continuing the tradition.  

Social status

Extractors occupy a complicated position within society. While their work is crucial for the survival and prosperity of those on The Station, it is now often looked down upon. The social status of Extractors has declined over the years and this decline in status is a significant concern for the government and corporations relying on the resources from Areu.


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