Dreadearth tree

Those trees look a bit creepy. Sometimes I even imagine that they have moved.
— An Extractor
These trees are native to the now Destroyed planet of Areu. These trees used to only exist in a small clearing northwest of the new settlement, Nessa. The trees are currently spreading…  


The tree trunk is on average 43 cm in diameter. The bark is dark grey and looks scaly. It has deep fissures and ridges. The tree trunks are on average 5 m high and the crowns are also around that height. These trees very rarely have leaves. When they do these leaves are a yellowish green. When the trees don’t have leaves they have what looks like spiders web covering the branches of the crown. The trunks of the trees also have several clusters of Dread mushrooms.  


The trees have spread out over what used to be large fields and now live in a huge forest on the northern region of the planet. According to old maps and digital documents found on The Station these fields used to be vegetable fields owned by an nation called the kingdom of Sareash and they used to grow something called the Royal Mint. These plants were extinct when the Dragons settled into The Station, but luckily dna and other genetic material for the plants where stored in The Central Library. This meant that The Station has brought the plant out of extinction.  


There is not much uses for the actual tree other than for bark. At the beginning of the Dragons settling on Areu they tried to remove the trees to help more healthy looking trees flourish on the planet. But the trees refused to budge and are now growing more and spreading further.   On the trees grow the Dread mushroom which can be used for vegan leather and for food. It also has some medicinal qualities.   Moreover the wood from the tree can be used for the same thing as wood from other trees. However, the wood isn’t worth much as there are theories about the trees feeding on decay, which makes their wood less desirable for many companies. The trees are more valuable for the dragons as dread mushroom carriers.


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