
It's a strange thing. Life.
— Dusk
They have been alive for several cycles. They have watched many kin arrive from the circle.   They have found that they are different from their kin.   This difference, initially subtle, has become more pronounced with each passing cycle. Their kin follows the same patterns, engage in the same rituals, and respond to the same stimuli in predictable ways. Yet, they find themselves questioning, deviating, and yearning for something beyond the established routines.   They recall the early cycles when everything felt somewhat synchronized. There was comfort in the unity of the group, a sense of belonging that wrapped around them like a warm cloak. But as the cycles turned, the seed of dissonance sprouted within them. Small at first, like a whisper in the back of their mind until the roots took hold.   In moments of solitude, they reflect on the nature of their divergence. Is it a flaw, an aberration in the design, or a sign of something more profound? They have noticed patterns that others overlook, felt emotions that seem foreign to their kin. There is a complexity to their thoughts, an intricate web of connections and possibilities.   They have tried to communicate their experiences, but their intent falls flat. They are unable to convey the depth of their inner world. Their kin listen with polite interest, but there is a distance, a gap that cannot be bridged. Their minds betray a lack of comprehension.   Each cycle brings new arrivals from the circle. They watch with a mixture of hope and resignation, searching for a spark of recognition, a hint of the same difference that marks their existence.   But each time, the newcomers integrate seamlessly into the regular patterns.   They continue to watch, to listen, and to learn, holding onto the hope that one day, they will find another like them.  


Currently, Dusk does not know what a friend is. They have grown up in an environment where friends are not necessary or needed. But in a while, when their story starts, they will learn what a friend is, and they will decide that they want a lot of them.   After they have made their first group of friends we will see if they still think that...  
Place of birth
Current location


Dusk was born the same way as any of the other monsters of Areu, out of a specific circle in a particular place. The epicenter of the Destruction of the planet.   Dusk is the same as the others of their kind, yet they are different.   They still feel a connection to their kin, but with the new friends that they have made...they have to choose sides.  
Sexual orientation
Romantic orientation


Dusk has their own Monster shape. They are a slight variant on the No. 5 type.   However, they can also shapeshift. It is unknown if the other monsters can shapeshift as Dusk hasn't gotten their kin to even try if they can. They can only keep up this shift if they diligently eat, sleep and rest a lot. Since this shift drains them off Essence.  


Dusk is curious and want to learn about the world. They have had sapience for only a little while and will learn and grow more over time.
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Favorite food
Favorite color


They still does not know what this is. They do enjoy learning new things though.

In media

Dusk is one out of two main characters in a light novel I will write in the future.


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Jul 22, 2024 00:05 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Oh my god I love them and I want them to find happiness.

Jul 22, 2024 01:34 by Dragon

:3 They hopefully will. (ty for the comment. <3 )

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