Greenhouse and plant research manual Document in Reki Orbital Space Station | World Anvil

Greenhouse and plant research manual

Oh, what's this doing here.
— Uaran to themself.
This book was found in 478AR by Uaran, between a desk and a wall, in an office in a building of what used to be called “The sun-bathing-station-area”. The area was renamed to The Greenhouse Area after the manual which explained how to run this area of The Station.   This was revolutionary as many inhabitants were starting to worry about food shortages. This gave the inhabitants a way to produce vegetables, fruits and berries. The knowledge in this manual was used to construct gardens across all sections of The Station and the inhabitants of The Station are now producing a large portion of their greens “in house”.  


This book was written by a bunch of scientists between 2BR and 0AR. Around the last two 2 years during which time The Station was being built and about to be launched.   The book has a lot of side notifications written in ink in the margins. These were made by the scientists who worked in the Greenhouse until the inhabitants of The Station suddenly disappeared.   The information that the manual holds has gotten moved to digital means and is now displayd in the New Greenhouse Area for its historical value.  

The manual

The book has 1387 pages and is in the A4 format. It is split into 2 parts. The first part contains 864 pages and the other part contains the rest of the pages.  
The first part
The first four chapters of the book contains the logistics of the Greenhouse area, it is explained in detail where everything is and why everything is where it is. It is also mentioned how many workers are needed and what professions those people need to have. What those professions entailed where not mentioned but the dragons could find information on those professions in The Central Library.   In the next 8 chapters it is explained how all machines in the area work and how they are serviced. As well as how often they should be serviced.   In the last 3 chapters it is explained how to take care of the gardens and how to take care of plants.    
The last part
The shorter and last part contains information about how to research plants and what kind of research had already been done on the plants that were native to Areu.


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