Internet trolling

Internet trolling can really get under your skin, but it's important to remember that those comments don't at all define you. Focus on your passions, lean on your community for support, and let your light shine brighter than their negativity ever could.
Every inhabitant on The Station spend at least some of their time on the local network. They do shopping, look at news, do banking, find information that they need and find ways to entertain themselves.   That last one has always been somewhat of a problem, as some people entertain themselves by “trolling” other people. However, it has started to become even more of a problem in later years.   Online trolling refers to the act of posting inflammatory, offensive, or provocative messages in online communities with the intent to provoke reactions, upset individuals, or disrupt conversations.   The motivations behind trolling vary a lot. Some trolls seek attention and amusement at the expense of others. Others are driven by a desire to assert dominance, display power, or express deeply held prejudices that they can’t express in real life.   For individuals, being targeted by trolls can lead to severe emotional pain. Victims of trolling often experience anxiety, depression, and in extreme cases, suicidal thoughts.   Online communities also suffer. Trolling can stifle constructive discussions, drive away genuine participants, and create an atmosphere of hostility. This not only stifles the exchange of ideas but also undermines the sense of community and belonging that many online spaces want to foster.   Beyond the immediate harm that trolling does to individuals and communities, and even the trolls themselves, it reflects a deeper issue with in the current society. The rise in trolling is troubling, as it suggests a shift away from fundamental values of kindness, respect and consideration that are essential for a healthy society.


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