Nutrient bars

Oh! I love those. So much more easier to just get one of those than to find a food stall or restaurant that isn’t packed.
— A nutrient bar enjoyer on The Station
These bars are mostly eaten on the destroyed plane of Areu by the Extractors, but there are also people on The Station who eats them because they are easy.   On The Station they can be purchased from vending machines and in Nessa they can be purchased from any of the merchants or from the mess hall. The Extractors who are sent out on missions usually get a set amount of bars to bring with them for free from the organization.  


When the Dragons settled into The Station they found several nutrient bars that they didn’t want to try out because the best before dates had been passed with several hundred years. But they were intrigued and when they had the ability to, they set about creating their own.  


The bars have a soft and creamy consistency with different coating.   There are several different flavors of the bars but the most popular on Nessa is the Caramel one. On The Station the chocolate and the Neion flavors are currently the two favorites, though the new flavor of the year Cookie dough, is rising in the most purchased ranks.  

Nutrient content

All bars contain Ark and Dread mushrooms as well as vitamins and minerals. Other contents also depends on the flavors of the bars as well as the companies that have produced them.  

Future prospects

As the popularity of nutrient bars continues to grow, both on The Station and in Nessa, there is ongoing research and development to introduce new flavors and improve the nutritional profile of the bars. There are whispers of collaborations with various entertainment companies and famous restaurants.   The innovation doesn't stop at flavors. Packaging is also being considered, with eco-friendly options in development to reduce the environmental impact.


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