Tea ceremony

I haven't been to many, but I like them. I always feel so calm and happy afterwards.
— A friend to another
A tea ceremony is for creating bonds, strengthening already existing ones as well as for finding inner peace and comfort. For some very old Dragons this ceremony should only be done as a part of the soulbonding ceremony. But now in modern times the tea ceremony is used in more ways.  


When the Dragons found the abandoned The Station and settled into it the first thing they realized about the previous inhabitants is that they enjoyed tea. After having a taste of it themselves they figured that they liked it too and set about learning all that they could about it. They consumed everything they could about tea in the libraries and information centers of The Station and learned all the ceremonies that the previous inhabitants, the Kaose had. They enjoyed the ceremonies and set about including them into their own lives.   The tea ceremony was a very formal ceremony that the dragons decided to use for their soul bonding ceremony that was also very formal and rare. A while after the dragons started letting other species settle on The Station these other species learned of the soul bonding ceremony and the tea ceremonies. They thought they were interesting but they really didn’t have anything to do with them. Until the other species and the dragons started having soul bonding ceremonies. Around this time less formal versions of the ceremonies started being practiced and today they aren’t uncommon to do for new employees or just friend groups that that want to either reconnect or enjoy each others company in a comforting environment.  

The ceremony

The ceremonies take place in Tea Houses specifically prepared for this ceremony. Most tea ceremony Tea Houses are run by either a family of tea ceremony masters or a small company. The hosts are employed by the Tea House but groups can rent a room for a ceremony and request to not get a host.   If the group of guests haven't prepared items related to the group that the tea ceremony master, the host, can decorate the rented tea house room with the host will decorate it with more tea paraphernalia and other items.   The ceremony starts when the guests take their first step into the tea house. They meet the host of the house that lead them into their room where the host of the room receives them. If this house is owned by a family or one individual the host might be just one person. But the house is owned by a company they have at least a couple of people employed.   The host bids the guests to sit down in prearranged spots and the host offers a brief reflection on the significance of the event. This is followed by a ritualistic cleansing of the utensils.   Each step in the tea-making process is accompanied by a specific gesture or chant, drawing from the ancient practices of the Kaose. These rituals are not just for show; they are meant to evoke a deep sense of connection to the past and to each other. The tea is then carefully poured and served to each participant, who receives it with a bow.   Conversations, if any, are soft and meaningful, often reflecting on shared memories or aspirations. The ceremony is not just about the tea, but about creating a moment of unity and peace.   There are also confectionaries that the guest will be offered. In some instances these are confectionaries that the guests have prepared themselves. But if the guests haven't the tea house will provide them.   The ceremony ends with a moment of silence.


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Jul 11, 2024 11:39 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Sounds so cosy and nice. I love the moment of silence and reflection at the end.

Jul 11, 2024 19:57 by Dragon

Yeah, x3 based it on Japanese tea ceremonies. We're hoping to attend one when we go to Japan next time. :3

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Aug 20, 2024 03:09 by Deleyna Marr

Beautiful ceremony. And at the same time... I have to admit I was completely distracted by your colorchange CSS. Stunning on the black theme. Beautiful world.

Aug 21, 2024 02:15 by Dragon

Thank you! Hehe XD I couldn't decide which color to use...and I like using color-changing things to spice up my worlds. XD;;

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