Tea Houses

uh, oh, eh eheh. I meant a tea shop.
— A friend to another
These buildings are a common sight all over The Station. It’s a place where people take refuge from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and have a cosy chat with close friends, coworkers or spend quality time with themselves.  


Among the first things that the Dragons found when they settled into the abandoned Station was tea leaves, tea bags and tea cups. This intrigued the dragons and they set out to find what these items meant to the previous inhabitants and creators of The Station.   They found the answers in books from The Central Library as well as the digital information centers there. The dragons learned to brew tea and about the ceremonies that the old inhabitants of The Station had practiced. They found the very few buildings mentioned in the information they had found and set out to restore them to use them like they been used before but with their own twist to it. Since they weren’t the Kaose.   When the dragons let new species move into The Station the use of these buildings became more diverse. From only being buildings used for formal and rare Tea ceremonies they could use them for more and thus more buildings were transformed into Tea Houses.  

The houses

There are two different types of Tea houses. The first type is the more regular one. Where people meet, purchase tea, other drinks, desserts and light meals. The second type are the buildings where people meet for tea ceremonies.   Depending on the people talking with them and their roles there can be misunderstandings when people asks to go to a tea house. That’s why tea houses of the first kind is usually called tea shops, or cafes.    

The tea shops

The tea shops all work and looks a different way depending on the owner of the shop and building. All tea shops sell tea. But some don’t sell made tea. Meaning they only sell tea that you can take home and brew there. These usually also sell tea paraphernalia like tea pots, tea cups and other items.   Then there are the shops who sell both those things but also tea and tea drinks that the customers can drink while walking away from the store. They usually also sell confectionery and baked goods. These are the most common shops.   There are also small hole in the walls or stalls that don’t sell any other tea paraphernalia, only made-to-order tea. Then there are shops where the customers are expected to sit and drink their tea and eat their biscuits. These aren’t as common as they are very similar to actual tea houses…    

The tea houses

The tea houses all look the same and the only service they provide is the tea ceremony. Some of these houses are government owned but most of them are owned by families of tea ceremony masters or small companies.


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Jul 11, 2024 11:37 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Yeees, tea house <3 I love the different kinds, especially the little hole in the wall. I'd definitely go to one on my way past every time. XD

Jul 11, 2024 19:58 by Dragon

Hehe! We searched for boba tea when we went to Tokyo last year and the closest one we found to were we were was a hole in the wall one. XD

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