Voltage Verve

It's my favorite band! They have been since I was young!
— An average fan
  Voltage Verve is an electro swing band formed 24 years ago on The Station. The band was created by the avant-garde entertainment company Cosmic Beat, which aimed to combine the appeal of swing music from the planet of Rant as well as other planets with the modernity of electronic beats to attract an audience.  

Formation and Early Years

The original line-up of Voltage Verve featured a older group of already established musicians, each contributing their unique talents to the band's sound. The founding members included:  
  • Zaeara: Lead vocalist, known for her captivating and sultry voice. Zaeara was the charismatic frontwoman of the band. Her stage presence and vocal prowess drew comparisons to singers from multiple other planets.
  • Sparks: A multi-instrumentalist, Areedan played the saxophone, clarinet, and trombone. His ability to switch between instruments with his many arms and mouths added a rich, layered quality to the band's sound, and his soulful solos were often the highlights of their performances.
  • Areedan: The drummer, known for their impeccable timing and energetic performances, Areedan brought a dynamic rhythm to the band.
  • Ninise: The turntablist and synthesizer specialist, Ninise was responsible for the electronic elements that defined Voltage Verve's sound. Their skillful mixing and scratching added a contemporary edge to the music, making it very danceable.
  • Derous: As the electro violinist, Derous's hauntingly beautiful melodies added an otherworldly dimension to the band's music.
  • Elir: The guitar player, Elir's intricate guitar work and technical proficiency made him a crucial component of the band's sound.
  •   After their debut album Celestial Cadence, the band quickly rose to prominence on The Station, performing in various venues from underground clubs in the outer sections to the music halls in the Monochrome section. Their dynamic performances, characterized by elaborate light shows and choreographed dance routines, garnered a diverse and dedicated fan base.
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    Tragedies and New Beginnings

    Twenty-one years ago, the band faced a significant setback when turntablist Ninise died in a shuttle-related accident. Despite the tragic loss, the entertainment company that owned the band held auditions for a new member. Merrin, a trained pianist with a passion for electronic music, joined as the new turntablist. Merrin was also proficient in Ark synths, a relatively new and hard-to-learn instrument as it involves magic.   With the addition of Merrin, Voltage Verve began to experiment with various styles of electro swing, adding new elements to their foundation. This evolution was evident in their second album, Galactic Groove, which received widespread acclaim for its innovative approach. The tracks "Neon Nights," "Stellar Swing," and "Shine" became popular hits, cementing the band's status as pioneers of the electro swing genre.  

    Innovation and New Members

    Over the years, Voltage Verve has continued to push the boundaries of their music, collaborating with other artists and embracing new technologies. Their live shows have integrated holographic projections and virtual reality elements, creating immersive experiences for their audiences. The band has also composed soundtracks for virtual reality games and interactive media, further expanding their artistic reach.   All original members except Merrin have retired within the last eight years, and the band now consists of new talents. Although Merrin technically isn't one of the original members, the company and most current fans consider them an original member, as the only album they weren't part of was the first one.     The current band line-up is, in order of fan favourite:  
  • Bylene: Vocalist and production specialist, Bylene brings a modern twist to the band’s sound. Her powerful voice and expertise in music production have added a new layer of depth to their compositions. Bylene is the daughter of one of the company managers, this is kept a secret from the public.
  • Merrin: DJ, vocalist, pianist, Ark synthist, and keyboardist, Merrin is the creative backbone of the band. His versatility and innovative use of the Ark synth, which involves magick, have kept Voltage Verve at the cutting edge of the electro swing genre in the universe. Merrin's voice is mediocre and used only for backup lyrics.
  • Baosi: Neo guitarist and vocalist, Baosi’s futuristic guitar sounds on his Neo guitar and smooth vocals add a unique texture to the band’s music. His ability to blend traditional guitar techniques with new technology has made him an integral part of the group. He has been a member of the band for 7 years now.
  • Floria: Echo flutist, Floria's ethereal Echo flute melodies, bring a haunting beauty to the band's sound. Her performance adds a distinctive and otherworldly element to their music. Floria is shy and keeps away from the fans as much as she can.
  • Jet: Lumi violinist, Jet’s Lumi violin playing creates a visual spectacle as well as a sonic one. His innovative use of his violin makes for a captivating sound experience. Jet is new to the group only joining half a year before Park.
  • Park: Saxophonist, Park’s robust saxophone playing provides a powerful foundation for the band’s music. His ability to weave complex solos and harmonies adds richness to their sound. Park is the newest addition after Sparks retired last year.
  •   Floria was hired on 11 years ago because Merrin wanted a bandmember that could play an Echoflute. Zaeara retired 8 years ago to take care of her family and Bylene, who had been a fan since childhood joined the band. Elice retired 7 years ago for personal reasons and Baosi joined. Ardeen retired 5 years ago and after a lot of discussion and the delay of tours and albums it was decided that the band would not have any more drummers.   When Derous retired two years ago because of old age it took the company a while to manage to hire Jet, which Merrin insisted needed to be hired. Park was hired right out of university when Sparks retired last year.  

    The Fans

    The fans and the mainstream media view this band as a wholesome relatively problem free group of nice people who have loyally worked hard for this band their entire careers. While other bands and musicians have had problematic interactions there seems to be no large scale ones from this group. The only problem appears to be Merrin's seemingly unfounded disdain for Jet's twin brother Jam. The fans enjoy this disdain and have a large and still growing archive of RL fanfics of a fictional romance between Merrin & Jam. It is larger than the archive of RL fanfics between Merrin and Jozean, The Speaker of the people.    

    The Future

    Voltage Verve's commitment to innovation extends beyond their music, as they have pioneered the use of technology to enhance the concert experience through augmented reality and virtual reality, creating multi-sensory experiences for their fans.   Over the past 24 years Voltage Verve has distinguished themselves from their peers, making their performances highly anticipated events and ensuring they will continue to captivate audiences for years to come. At least, that is what the company, the fans, and the band is hoping...

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