About Us

This page will be updating slowly as more write thier own pages and we decide what else to put here.
We're collectivly known as Lengna (or Soup, A confused Soup, The Soup System).
Our body is 40 at the moment, and we work as a chef. We love crafting, writing, helping, and reserching. But most of all we love worldbuilding.   We were diagnosed with D.I.D. a few years ago and we put this site together mostly for our own healing and self comunication, as well as to explain to our friends and working partners what that means (and why we can't be consistent in our interactions).
There just isn't enough accurate or accessible info out there to help others learn with.   We also have dislexia, adhd, and an anxiety disorder. So please be patient with us as we're confused and forgetful on our best days.  
If you've been helped by us in the World Anvil discord, its 99% likely it was Paper that was helping you.
  We haven't been active much of anywhere lately, becasue we got a job that wears us out and Jay has taken over as host from Paper.
We still love you all, Jay just doesn't have anywhere near the social energy that Paper had.   Our most active mebers atm are: Jay and Resa. Paper is around, but tends to just sleep, Calli would like to be out more.

The Soup


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Jan 5, 2024 08:05

I love you all and hear you in moments of bliss, trauma, and triumph. -creach

Jan 17, 2024 19:22 by Lengna Olio

We love you too

~Confused Soup