The Valroshi debutante.

The noble courts of the Dral'azie are a sphere of Machiavellian manoeuvring and skulduggery at their most cordial. For most, the very notion of being thrusted into these vipers nests is a unsettling prospect. However, to be elevated into noble society is something that every young highborn finds daunting, but inevitably must endure before long. It is not merely for traditions sake, but a crucial step in their own development should they wish to progress further in life and climb the social ranks.   The presentation is a ceremony that occurs within the ruling house of a Ithen'drel, before the entire gathered assembly of the city-states Valroshi, it's most powerful and influential figures. For the spectators the ceremony was initially supposed to be an informal occasion to spectate and encourage the young nobles in their coming of age. However, as the nature of upper society changed over the centuries, it gives these power figures the chance to mingle gather vital pieces of gossip and intrigue and show face to one's rival. Many of the higher echelons of society arrive adorning the most beautifully elaborate and opulent garments they can afford, in the hopes to shame and disgrace their rival. This is particularly prevalent among the matron mothers of each house, who pride themselves on being the figure heads of their family. The vast majority of the cities nobles and dignitaries attend the ceremony as a matter of principle, to not be seen here will be noticed and spark scandal and rumour.   The ceremony itself is the presentation of these young nobles officially moving out from their adolescence years, and into young adulthood. Officially inducted into high society and making it known to the entire Ithen'drel they are eligible for courtship, or more likely that their house is looking for a potential political arrangement. One by one the young nobles are brought out, announced and presented to the Ithicess presiding over the ceremony, where they will bow, then rise and await the Ithicesses recognition of them, before returning back to the other. Any that do not receive the Ithicesses recognition are obliged to leave immediately, this is a rare occurrence, but scandalous when it does. Once the ceremony is complete, it is customarily followed by a banquette and a ball. Here the newly inducted nobles will endure their first real taste of noble society.   The event itself occurs once every decade at the discretion of the Ilthicess of the ruling house, of what time and place it will be conducted, with each Ithen'drel having their own traditions and customers when conducting it.


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