Valroshi - Noblesse / High Dral'azie

The Highborn Noble Houses of Dral'azie society.
  At the pinnacle of Dral'azie society are the Valroshi or High Dral'azie. The noble courts of the High Dral'azie are a sphere of Machiavellian manoeuvring and skulduggery at their most cordial. For most, the very notion of being thrusted into these vipers nests is a daunting prospect. They are elite ruling families of the Dral'azie noble houses that reign over the Ithendrels. Preferring to selectively breed amongst themselves, harbouring particular genetics and magical potency to ensure the purity of their blood, leading to the Valroshi being diversely different to the rest of the population. Over the millennia's they have enforced this ridged hierarchical castes of society for their own benefit. It ensures their own dominance, keeping their rivals and the lower orders in their place, making it difficult for upstart houses and new blood to climbing the echelon.   At its simplest the highborn can be broken down into three castes; The Purebloods, highborn and nobles. With a vast array of titles attached to their house and position in society to distinguish themselves apart from the lowly thin bloods, the upstarts. mercantile houses and other lesser nobility that sprout up.  
Rank/Title | Nov 22, 2021
Rank/Title | May 14, 2021

Il'ron'dii; The Great Houses - Pure Bloods

The Great houses are some of the most powerful and influential entities in the whole of Dral'azie society, far exceeding the wealth, power and might of any of the houses within a city-state. A Great house control all aspects of a city, from enforcing laws to Monopolise trade.   Nal Il'ron'dii or 'Great House' in the common tongue refers to the nine Great Ruling Houses of the Sunless Realms. Presided over by an Ilthicess, an hereditary autocratic despot and formed from venerable old family bloodlines and their scions. An Ithicesses rule is absolute throughout her domain, enforced by her children and scions. The Il'ron'dii have carved out vast swathes of the underworld as their own domain over the millennia.   Relations between these tyrants of the underworld are strained at the best of times.   Long ago, the Urithair of Dragh'zeruel brought all nine houses to heel, imposing themselves as Empresses of a new under empire. Now a tedious power struggle between the Imperial crown of Dragh'zeruel and the Il'ron'dii exists for their own independence. Some have broken away, others remain out of convenience and some commit to this alliance to benefit their own schemes against the other Il'ron'dii and their city states.

The Il'ron'dii

  • Hilarcheon.
  • Skartus.

V'ron'dii; The Highborn Houses - Highborn Nobles

Outmanoeuvring each other beneath the great Il’ron’dii are the V’ron’dii, the houses of the nobility. The noble houses vie for power, wealth and influence within the courts of the great houses. Formidable in their own right, each has survived and endured the great game for many generations. The vast majority of the Noble houses are formed from ancient bloodlines of the old world, or the scions of a Great House. And thought their origins may vary, the one consistent remains true.

Vash'dii; The Noble Houses - Nobles

Derived from thin blooded nobles, upstart merchants or wealthy citizens who bought their freedom generations ago, the Vash’dii are held in little regard, referred to as lesser or petty houses.

Articles under Valroshi - Noblesse / High Dral'azie


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