
High above the bustling metropolis of Rie'shae looms the opulent baroque majesty of Ga'venn'shviie; the Ophidian court, an imposing symbol of authority and power of the Gani'orell dynasty.
  Rie'shae was built up around the grand palace of Ga'venn'shviie, or so House Ganio'rell would have you beleive. For no matter where one stands in the city, the towering edifice and gilded towers rise high above any other structure, as though it is the sole focal point of the entire city. A sprawling citadel of spires, verdant gardens and complex fortifications ensnaring the central bastion. The palace contains both residential and administrative areas, including the council chambers of the ruling class. From the palace walls to the highest balconies one can see out over the expanse of the city-state, all the way into the verdant mushroom forests of the Rie'she'mainze and The Caverns of Amaranth beyond.  
The palace serves both as sanctuary and prison for the Gani'orell nobility. While the splendour of their surroundings might suggest an enviable life of luxury, it also reflects the confinement of their existence. The dynasty remaining inscrutable and impenetrable to outsiders, shrouded in a veil of mystery and intrigue, all in order to keep their most terrible secret hidden away from the prying eyes.   For centuries, the reins of power in Rie'shae have remained firmly in the grasp of the Gani'orell dynasty. Dominating the city skyline, this stronghold not only symbolizes their authority but also serves to tighten their grip over the city's destiny, an enduring monument to their reign that spans almost four millennia. Amidst the palace's grandeur and the apparent permanence of the Gani'orell dynasty's rule, a subtle shift has begun to stir beneath the surface of Rie'shae.
While my sister, J'aret, basks in the limelight of the heir's path, I find solace and purpose in the serpentine depths of my faith, where chaos and madness unveil the hidden truths that elude the eyes of the world.
— Sah'aret Ganiorell, priestess of Melanthyus

The Throne Hall.

  In the heart of Ga'venn'shviie, within the venerable walls of the Ophidian court, lies the Throne Hall—an awe-inspiring chamber that breathes the very essence of power. As one enters through the massive arched doorway, the grandeur of the space envelopes all who step within. Towering columns, adorned with intricate carvings depicting forgotten histories, stretch towards the vaulted ceiling, while the walls are draped in rich tapestries woven with threads of gold and silver. Soft light filters through stained glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colours upon the polished marble floor, a silent testament to the craftsmen's dedication.   At the far end of the Throne Hall stands the imposing throne, raised high upon a dais of marble. The throne commands attention, its ornate design a testament to the dynasty's enduring authority. Before the throne stretches the grand central audience chamber, a vast expanse where supplicants and dignitaries from all corners of Rie'shae come to seek counsel or pay homage. Their voices echo like whispered prayers as they approach the elevated dais, where they would traditionally address the Ilthicess, and lay their petitions at the feet of power. However, these days have long since passed.  

The empty throne.

  A heavy gilded throne rests upon a platform raised well above the floor level of the great hall. Its construction is intricately detailed, featuring the symbol of house Gani'orell, with an intricate geometric pattern of intersecting curves representing the great serpent, Melanthyus. The throne is embellished with gems and fine metals, most notably gold and silver inlaid into the black marble.  
For nearly a century past, the throne of the Ilthicess has remained empty, it's presence casting an ominous shadow upon the court. While the whereabouts of their ruler is not publicly discussed, Rie'shaes regent and the council of seven rule keep the façade of power from diminishing while the Ilthicess has retired from her public duties. As such, the symbolic nature of the throne within the audience chamber projects the sovereignty of the Ilthicess and is a constant reminder to those around of the position of authority it represents.   In this way, the ruling elite have created a carefully crafted illusion of stability in an otherwise unstable world.
by AstarothArcaine
The twin headed Serpent of the Gani'orell represents the Regent who Rules, and the Ilthicess who Reigns.


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