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Building Construction


Building Name Skills & Tools Project Target Additional Benefits
Castle Mason | Carpenter | Labor 4000 Required for level 4 Authority, defensible structure.
Courthouse Mason | Carpenter | Labor 1250 Required for level 4 Security.
Garrison Mason | Carpenter | Labor 1500 Required for level 3 Authority, built within a region you control.
Guardhouse Mason | Carpenter | Labor 750 Required for level 2 Security.
Guard Post Mason | Carpenter | Labor 150 Required for level 1 Security.
Jail Mason | Carpenter | Tinker | Labor 1500 Required for level 3 Security.
Palace Mason | Carpenter | Labor 7500 Required for level 5 Authority.
Town Hall Mason | Carpenter | Labor 500 Required for level 1 Authority.



Free Standing Buildings

Building Name Skills & Tools Project Target Additional Benefits
Barracks Mason | Carpenter | Labor 1000 Required for level 3 Training.
Fort Mason | Carpenter | Labor 2500 Required for level 4 Training.
Military Academy Mason | Carpenter | Labor 2500 Required for level 5 Training.
Watchtower, Wood Carpenter | Labor 400 Required for level 2 Defense, if manned provide active checks to threats upon the city.
Watchtower, Stone Mason | Carpenter | Labor 500 If manned provide active checks to threats upon the city. Also counts for requirement above.

Walls & Defenses

Building Name Skills & Tools Project Target Additional Benefits
Walls, Wood Carpenter | Labor 35 / Section (100' Long x 10' Tall) Level 1 Defense, DC 14 Climb
Walls, Stone Mason | Carpenter | Labor 75 / Section (100' Long x 10' Tall) Level 2 Defense, DC 17 Climb
Walls, Reinforced Mason | Carpenter | Labor 125 / Section (100' Long x 10' Tall) Level 3 Defense, DC 20 Climb
Walls, Castle Mason | Carpenter | Labor 200 / Section (100' Long x 10' Tall) Level 4 Defense, DC 25 Climb
Tower, Wood Carpenter | Labor 250 15' Tall Defensive Building.
Tower, Stone Mason | Carpenter | Labor 500 30' Tall Defensive Building
Tower, Castle Mason | Carpenter | Labor 1000 50' Tall Defensive Building
Gates, Wood Carpenter | Labor 200 AC 15 | 25 HP
Gates, Reinforced Smith | Carpenter | Tinker 350 AC 20 | 50 HP
Gates, Castle Smith | Carpenter | Tinker 500 AC 25 | 100 HP
Gate House Mason | Carpenter | Tinker | Smith 250 Allows for Portcullis placement and drawbridges.
Portcullis Smith | Tinker 300 AC 25 | 100 HP | DC 25 Athletics to lift.
Drawbridge Carpenter | Smith | Tinker 400


Building Name Skills & Tools Project Target Additional Benefits
Alchemist Masons | Labor 1000 Allows for the production of potions in the settlement. Advantage on Alchemy checks inside.
Bank Carpenter | Mason | Smith | Tinker | Labor 2500 Required for level 3 Wealth, allows for loans and investing.
Brewery Carpenter | Mason | Tinkers | Labor 1000 Allows for Brewers kit work, advantage on use of brewers kit for making brews.
Exotic Artisan Carpenter | Mason | Smith | Tinkers | Labor 1000 Allows for a specialty craftsmen to work and operate inside the city.
Luxury Store Carpenter | Mason 1250 Required for level 4 Wealth, allows for rare items
Mint Carpenter | Mason | Smith | Tinkers | Labor 3500 Required for level 5 Wealth, allows the production of currency.
Open Air Market Mason | Carpenter | Labor 500 Required for level 5 Economy. Also counts as one Amenity.
Restaurant Carpenter | Mason | Labor 750 Allows for culinary work.
Shop Carpenter | Mason | Labor 500 Required for level 4 Economy, allows for specific items to be sold.
Smithy Mason | Smith | Tinkers | Labor 750 Required for level 1 Economy, allows for the purchase of metal armor and weapons.
Stable Carpenter | Labor 300 Required for level 3 Trade. Allows for the purchasing and renting of horses.
Tannery Carpenter | Labor 600 Required for level 2 Economy, allows for the purchase of non metal armor.
Trade Shop Carpenter | Mason | Labor 750 Required for level 3 Economy, allows for PHB stock to be sold.
Waystation Carpenter | Mason | Labor 1750 Required for level 4 Trade, must be built along a trade route.


Building Name Skills & Tools Project Target Additional Benefits
Farm Carpenter | Nature | Labor 500 Required for level 1 Sustainability. One farm sustains up to 2,000 people.
Granary Carpenter | Mason | Tinkers | Labor 500 Required for level 3 Sustainability.
Lighthouse Carpenter | Mason | Tinker | Labor 700 Required for level 5 Nautical, must be built on coastline.
Lumber Mill Carpenter | Mason | Smith | Tinker | Labor 750 Required for level 3 and higher Resources.
Menagerie Carpenter | Mason | Smith | Labor 1300 Allows the purchase or storage of rarer animals or mounts from the area.
Mill Mason | Carpenter | Tinker | Labor 500 Required for level 2 Sustainability.
Mine Carpenter | Mason | Smith | Labor 750 Required for level 3 and higher Resources.
Pier Carpenter | Mason | Labor 400 Required for level 3 Nautical, allows for fishing and water transport.
Stockyard Carpenter | Mason | Labor 600 Required for level 5 Resources, allows for 50% or greater discount on cost of building new structures.
Waterfront Carpenter | Mason | Smith | Tinker | Labor 1750 Required for level 4 Nautical, allows for the docking of more then one large vessel.


Building Name Skills & Tools Project Target Additional Benefits
Arena Carpenter | Mason | Smith | Tinker | Woodcarver | Labor 2000 One of the requirements of the level 3 or higher Amenities.
Bardic College Carpenter | Mason | Smith | Tinker | Woodcarver | Labor 2500 Required for level 4 Lore.
Dance Hall Carpenter | Mason | Labor 750 One of the requirements of the level 3 or higher Amenities.
Fairground Carpenter | Mason | Nature | Labor 100 One of two options required for level 2 Amenities. (50x50 sq)
Herbalist Carpenter | Herbalist | Mason | Labor 1250 Required for level 3 Welfare. Allows for sale of herbs.
Hospital Carpenter | Mason | Tinker | Medicine | Labor 1500 Required for level 4 Welfare. Allows for the use of Medicine rolls in downtime.
Inn Carpenter | Mason | Labor 1200 One of two options required for level 1 amenities. This structure has rooms to sleep in.
Monument Carpenter | Mason | Labor 100 Required for level 3 lore.
Museum Carpenter | Mason | Smith | History | Labor 1250 Required for level 5 lore, allows for the gathering of information which would not normally be available.
Orphanage Carpenter | Mason | Labor 1200 Required for level 2 welfare.
Park Carpenter | Mason | Nature | Labor 200 One of two options required for level 2 Amenities. (50x50 sq)
Sewer Mason | Labor 750 (100' x 100' section) Required for level 5 welfare under the inhabited city.
Tavern Carpenter | Mason | Labor 500 One of two options required for level 1 amenities. This structure does not have sleeping quarters.
Theater Carpenter | Mason | Smith | Tinker | Woodcarver | Labor 1400 One of the requirements of the level 3 or higher Amenities.


Building Name Skills & Tools Project Target Additional Benefits
Black Market Carpenter | Mason | Smith | Tinker | Woodcarver | Labor 750 Required for level 4 Underworld. This structure may be built due to low security.
Brothel Carpenter | Mason | Tinker | Woodcarver | Labor 1000 Required for level 1 Underworld. This adds a amenity.


Building Name Skills & Tools Project Target Additional Benefits
Academy Carpenter | Mason | Smith | Tinker | Woodcarver | Labor 1500 Required for level 4 education.
Caster's Tower Carpenter | Mason | Arcana | Labor 2250 Required for level 3 arcane.
Cathedral Carpenter | Mason | Smith | Woodcarver | Labor 4000 Required for level 5 religion.
Graveyard Mason | Religion | Labor 400 Required for level 1 religion.
Library Carpenter | Mason | History | Labor 750 Required for level 3 religion.
Magic Shop Carpenter | Mason | Arcana | Labor 1000 Required for level 2 religion.
Magical Academy Carpenter | Mason | Smith | Woodcarver | Arcana | Labor 5000 Required for level 5 arcane.
Monastery, Religious Carpenter | Mason | Smith | Woodcarver | Religion | Labor 1750 Allows for the training of various holy people.
Observatory Carpenter | Mason | Smith | Tinker | Woodcarver | Labor 1500 Required for level 5 arcane.
School Carpenter | Mason | Labor 600 Required for level 2 education.
Shrine Carpenter | Mason | Religion 150 Required for level 3 religion. Single dedication can be outside or in a building.
Temple Carpenter | Mason | Smith | Labor 1500 Required for level 4 religion.
University Carpenter | Mason | Smith | Tinker | Woodcarver | Labor 3500 Required for level 5 education.


Building Name Skills & Tools Project Target Additional Benefits
House Carpenter | Mason | Labor 250 2 Adults or New Family | Bedroom, Kitchen, Lavatory, Sitting Room, Storage | 1,500 GP
Mansion Carpenter | Mason | Woodcarvers 1500 Required for level 2 Wealth | 6,000 GP
Noble Villa Carpenter | Masons | Woodcarvers 2500 10,500 GP
Tenement Carpenter | Mason | Labor 500 Multifamily housing, houses up to four families. | 3,000 GP
Custom Housing Varies Varies Can be built.

Miscellanous & Upgrades

Building Name Skills & Tools Project Target Additional Benefits
Postal Building Carpenter | Mason | Labor 350 Allows for delivery of mail and items along trade routes.
Fortification, Normal Smiths 250 Reinforces the Walls
Fortification, Defensive Mason, Smiths 500 (per wall) Reinforces walls of a structure to repel attacks.
Walls, Stone Mason x1.2 Replaces wooden walls with stone
Furnishings, Modest Woodcarvers 10/Room Basic furnishings
Furnishings, Wealthy Woodcarvers 35/room Costs 10 GP a day in materials
Furnishings, Aristocrat Woodcarvers 50/room Costs 25 GP a day in materials.
Architecture, Wealthy As normal x1.3
Architecture, Aristocrat As Normal x1.5
Road, Dirt Labor 5 Points per 100 feet City Roads 10' Wide | Trade Roads 15' Wide
Road, Cobble Masons 20 points per 100 feet City Roads 10' Wide | Trade Roads 15' Wide
Toll Booth Carpenters | Labor 100 Allows collection of tolls and extends security from the city outwards.

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