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Patron Goddess of Humans

Chauntea is the goddess of life, bounty and the patron of all humans. While generally considered the common pantheons' primary life deity, she is closely tied with all pantheons' various nature deities.

Divine Domains

Tenets of Faith

  • Growing and reaping are part of the eternal cycle and the most natural part of life.
  • Destruction for is own sake and leveling without rebuilding are anathema.
  • Let no day pass in which you have not helped a living thing flourish.
  • Nurture, tend, and plant wherever possible.
  • Protect trees and plants, and save their seeds so that what is destroyed can be replaced.
  • See to the fertility of the earth but let the human womb see to its own.
  • Eschew fire.
  • Plant a seed or small plant at least once a tenday.
Holy Symbol of Chauntea
Divine Classification
Greater Goddess
Neutrl Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Great Mother
  • The Grain Goddess
  • Earthmother
  • She Who Shapes All
Aligned Organization

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