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Patron god of Kor

Helm the Vigilant One is the god of guardians, protection, and protectors. Often worshipped by guards and soldiers, he is often seen as a cold and focused deity who takes his role very seriously. Helm is often depicted as wearing a full set of plate armor.

Divine Domains

Tenets of Faith

  • Never betray trust.
  • Be vigilant. Stand, wait, and watch carefully.
  • Be fair and diligent in the conduct of your orders.
  • Protect the weak, poor, injured, and young.
  • Do not sacrifice others for yourself.
  • Anticipate attacks and be ready.
  • Know your foes.
  • Care for your weapons so they may perform their duties when called upon.
  • Always obey orders, providing those orders follow the dictates of Helm.
  • Demonstrate excellence and purity of loyalty in your role as a guardian and protector.
Holy Symbol of Helm
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Vigilant One
  • The Watcher
Aligned Organization

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