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Istus is the Goddess of fate and destiny and often considered one of the most powerful deities in the entire pantheon. While those with good fortunes will often praise those who happen to have misfortunes, they will often curse her just the same. Little is known about her appearance other than she possesses golden hair, which she uses to weave essential mortals' fates.  


  Rise of Tiamat In a rare occurrence, Istus saw fit to alter many adventurers' fates, sending them forward in time. Little is known about why this was done in concert with Bahamut's power.

Divine Domains

Tenets of Faith

  • Every individual has a set-path in life and that to lose that path is to lose oneself.
  • The multiverse is conceived of as an intricate mesh of interconnected threads, with everything connected to everything else.
  • They are believers in predestination, although the threads of Fate are sometimes slack enough that destiny can be altered in some small way.
  • Because the future is foreordained, for the most part, it can be permitted by those with the skills to perceive how the threads are linked.
  • Acceptance of one's Fate is the only honest approach; those who strive too hard against Fate will only meet their own foreordained ruins.
Holy Symbol of Istus
Divine Classification
Greater Goddess
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Lady of Our Fate
  • The Colorless and All-Colored
Aligned Organization

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