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Patron Goddess of Kalashtar

Mystra is often considered the Mother of all Magic and is currently a greater goddess in The Common Pantheon. Mystra ascended to divinity during the The Elder Race Era. As one of three gods who oversee the balance of magic in the world, she is primarily in charge of the weave as she is the neutral member of the tribunal.

Divine Domains

Tenets of Faith

Choice, decision, and knowledge, leavened with a healthy dose of good for the most individuals, are the hallmarks of Mystra's faith. Magic is great power, and it brings with it great responsibility. Mystra's clergy are given the following charge upon aspiring to the faith:
  • "Love magic for itself, not just as a ready weapon to reshape the Realms to your will. Learn when not to use your magic, and you will have learned true wisdom. Play with magic and learn how best to wield it, but not when the price is paid by others. Strive to use magic less and less as your powers develop, not more and more; often the threat and promise of Art outstrips its performance."
  • "Remember always that magic is an Art, the Gift of the Lady, and that those who can wield it are privileged in the extreme. Conduct yourself humbly, not proudly, while being mindful of this."
  • "Use magic deftly and efficiently; eschew carelessness and recklessness in the unleashing of Art. When magic imperils you, hide it or hurl it away into other planes rather than destroy it, for any destruction of Art is a sin."
  • "Seek always both to learn new magic and to create new magic, but experimenting to learn to craft something oneself is better than merely buying scrolls or hiring tutors. Exult mote in creation than in hurling spells, and en-sure that your creations are shared with others and so outlive you. Those who succeed in this last and in maturing into true wisdom and consideration for the greater balance of things in Phrelle in the use of Art are most favored in the eyes of the Lady and will serve her beyond death as beings who have become one with magic and live on in it forever."
Divine Classification
Greater Goddess
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Lady of Mysteries
  • The Mother of All Magic
  • Our Lady of Spells
Circumstances of Birth
Aligned Organization

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