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Shinare is “Winged Victory,” the female goddess of wealth, industry and commerce. The dwarves revere her as the “Silver Mistress,” the patron of industry and wealth. Shinare’s followers are merchants, mercenaries, and traders. Thieves and rogues occasionally offer a prayer to Shinare, perhaps hoping she might be in an indulgent mood that day.

Divine Domains

When alive Shinare was tasked with:
  • Forge Domain 
  • Wealth
  • Industry
  • Commerce

Tenets of Faith

  • Industry and commerce is the way to riches.
  • Work hard and you will be rewarded with wealth.
  • Greed will destroy what you have worked to gain.
  • Poverty is lack of effort.
  • Never tolerate laziness or ignorance.
  • The clever and the industrious find opportunity and fortune in the world.
  • Lead others in enterprise and safe-guard transactions.
  • Be fair and honest in your business, for deception is the road to ruin—yet do not shy from competition, for it is the well-spring of all fortune.
Divine Classification
Dead Goddess
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Balance of the Scales
  • Silver Mistress
  • Winged Victory
Circumstances of Death
Was killed by the Heralds of Darkness
Aligned Organization

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