Siege Weaponry 1.0 in Phrelle | World Anvil
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Siege Weaponry 1.0

The following is a homebrew ruleset usable for existing character and new characters in phrelle.

Siege Weapons Proficiency,

Siege weapons normally take 3 people to operate and are bulky and unwieldy. Adventurers are special and can learn to utilize siege weapons faster and more efficiently.   The proficiency can be gained by research using INT and a 1500 research point project.  

Proficiency grants:

  • The bonus for proficiency is STR or DEX stat plus proficiency for the To Hit bonus. Artificer Artillerists if proficient can use their INT instead of DEX or STR (A standard 3 man crew can still operate siege weapons at a flat +6 to hit)
  • A proficient adventurer can utilize their entire movement or a bonus action to reload.
  • A proficient adventurer can use a full action to standard aim and fire.
    In addition there is a feat Available  

Siege Weapons Master

  • Gains proficiency with siege weapons
  • Can use a bonus Action to do fine aim and gain advantage on the next shot with a siege weapon.

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