Text Based Role Play adventures Document in Phrelle | World Anvil
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Text Based Role Play adventures


Text Based Role play adventures are a type of play available in the world of Phrelle. These type of Adventures can supplemant or replace the traditional Roll20/Discord format of adventures. Characters can earn experience, gold and magic items through text based RP adventure and is a good avenue for those with time constraints that can make the traditional adventure hard to use. These are all different types of play by post adventuring.  


There are six categories of play in the text based roleplay category.  


A standard adventure for one to five people with a story arc and tasks about the equivalent to a single one shot. Rewards would be limited to the rewards for the tier of play for the characters involved. This tier of play has a scheduling system in place to help players get involved.  


These came directly from a one-shot where a DM might offer a text-based interlude between their games. This could be regular weekly games on the one shot schedule or a Campaign game, which added the text based element. Experience can be awarded if the DM feels the PCs involved have contributed to story development or overcome challenges that are part of the story arc.  


Player character based. A character seeks out to go to a specific place or complete a personal task or quest. These are variable adventures that would be used for things like changing a subclass, removing a curse, exploring background features etc.  

Captured or Lost:

A PC or group is lost or captured and this adventure is used to complete storyline or represents the challenge of getting the character(s) back. Experience can be awarded if the DM feels the PCs involved have contributed to story development or overcome challenges.  

Locked Campaign:

Pick your players or form a party and find a DM; this is a long-term game built around who you want in the gaming experience. Experience will be awarded infrequently throughout the campaign.  

Mythpoint General Roleplay

Players are encouraged to roleplay in the discord server. This roleplay is assessed each week and small amounts of experience can be awarded to player characters for roleplay consistent with the standards of the server and TOS. There is no sign ups or formal processes, but is a nother avenue for character development.    

GENERAL RULES for DM run text based roleplay scenarios

  First and foremost the DM must have a preconceived idea of the story arc that will be presented over time. (Character would be locked until the arc finished, not allowed in general rp like normal campaign) The time frame should be part of the official game record.   The maximum xp and gold that can be earned in a single week will be capped at the maximum experience for the character at the tier of play.(Example:Adept ranks (11-15) would at max be able to earn 6k exp and 1,250 gold.) DMs can find those limits in the #DM-info channel in Disord.   The Dm is encouraged to develop a story arc including social interactions, puzzles, skill based encounters and combat encounters to achieve the equivalent of a standard one shot for the number of players playing.   RP adventures can include sidekicks. Sidekicks will take share in the exp earned for calculation. Side kick skill checks will not count towards earned experience, they are a costar, not the star.   The DM and players will set out from the beginning an understanding between all parties on posting frequency and quality. A minimum floor of number is suggested of at least three posts per real day.   The games should be designed to finish a ‘oneshot’ adventure in about a real life week.   Character and DM will enter in a ‘social contract’ with agreed general terms for the rp and action text to work, Some subjects of the contract could include;
  • Expectation for posting frequency. Both number of posts per day, and turn by turn posts agreement, how long post edits should be acceptable etc. (Days to post of specific days/times not to post) Example: Dm and PCs will take turns posting rp elements. The post can only be edited for a maximum of 3 minutes after the initial post. If a post will be longer than current discord post limit, a ‘(more)’ must be included at the end of each post that requires conclusion.
  • The PC will make rolls using either the DM’s roll20 or the dice roller bot in discord (#bot_takover) and indicate the rolls inline in the text bolded in discord with ** on either side, including two rolls for GM’s use of disad/adv. If a character uses a feature that would edit the rolls, this would be done inline as well (Luck feature, bardic inspiration, bless etc)
  • (Example: *Player 1 stares at the trees* **perception 10/15** ; *Player 1 also mutters a song to lift his companion’s spirits* **bardic inspiration**)The PC is free to add rolls the PC would like to have considered within any RP element. The DM does not provide the Dms rolls or DC levels in the rp. The DM is the arbitrator of all ‘game’ results. (Example: *Player 1 looks around at the muddy footprints Perception 10/12 and 13/17 survival.* DM Responds: *the muddy footprints seem to veer over to the left before coming to a halt at a worn broken hut.*)
  • If a side kick is used, the PC will control the side kick during combat encounters only and will provide the information needed in the chat/roll20 environment. Element performed in the roll20 environment will be converted to chat entries similar to sparring in current rp.
  • Adventure text channels will be public for viewing.
  • These social contracts are unique to each role play situation. The DM is the final say on results and format

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