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The Arch-Lich

Divine Domains

Holy Books & Codes

  • The Book of Vile Darkness
  • Scroll of Mauthereign
  • Book of Keeping

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tenets of Faith

  • Seek out not positions of power, but positions of knowledge.
  • Keep in the shadows and discover the hidden facts that can be exploited for our advantage.
  • There are no grater secrets than the secrets of the multiverse itself, and no greater power to be held than these mysteries.
  • No matter how powerful a being is, there exists a secret that can destroy him.
  • In every heart is a seed of darkness hidden from all others; fin that evil seed, and your enemies are undone.
  • Strength and power come if you know and control what others dare not show.
  • Never reveal all that you know, or your enemies will lake your seed, too


  • Mockery of the Betrayer

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • Vecna's primary goal is to ascend to the status of a greater god by collecting forbidden knowledge. His most coveted knowledge is the secrets of existence across the multiverse. 
  • His secondary goal is to destroy and absorb the powers of the Raven Queen. He wishes to rule the entire Shadowfell from her Fortress of Memories. 
  • His tertiary goal is to take revenge on the vampire Kas for his betrayal.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vecna was at once a mortal man who ascended to Lichdom. With this power and his insatiable thirst for knowledge on the arcane and multiverse, he came into contact with Orcus, the Demon Prince of Undeath. Along with Kas, he served to further Orcus' goals of spreading undeath. At some point within their service, Kas attempted to destroy Vecna in an epic battle which many thought destroyed both, leaving only the hand and eye of Vecna from his mortal body.
Divine Classification
Intermediate God
Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Arch-Lich
  • Master of the Spider Throne
  • The Whispered One
  • The Undying King
  • Lord of the Rotted Tower
  • The Chained God
Aligned Organization
The hand and eye of Vecna.

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